
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big Sister Draws...

My oldest girl has taken up drawing. These are her first few. I am so proud of her.
We had no idea.....I don't think she knew either.

On another note...Can you tell I have been busy.I miss creating sooooo much.
I can't wait to get back to it. In the mean time. I am just boasting about the babies..that are not babies anymore.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Even" The Boy "can craft...

For you all who do not know. I live in a house with 6 daughters and 1 son. Our #1 oldest son escaped a few years ago And left "The Boy" behind :( . Ha, Ha.   He is surrounded by girls all the time. Poor guy.
I have a hunch he has a favorite...his baby sister who is 4.
He made her this cool memory game.

He made this set from little wooden disks we bought here.If you have not been to Annies Etsy Shop
go now. You will come away needing to make something new. She special ordered these disks
and had them to us in no time.
The Boy used scrapbook paper for the pattern side.
Then he glued them on with Mod Podge for Paper.
After several coats of Mod Podge Hard Coat. It was ready for play.
She loves it!! As do all of us someone is always playing.


The Boy loves spray painting.Here are a few of his masterpieces.

Yes ...He did all of these with cans of spray paint .

Monday, January 18, 2010

Got Froth?????

Around this house nothing gets done until Mamma gets a cup of joe.   I have been a coffee freak since I was 19 years old. I love it. I love the taste .I love the smell. I love how it makes me feel. I like the way the warm cup feels in my hand...Are you getting the picture.
With the advent of the coffee house. I had a heavenly place to stop everyday and get my fix.........Well with money and time being very tight these days. We got resourceful. I have an espresso machine. I think when we bought it 10 years ago My Hubby thought it would keep me out of Starbucks...HA. Now that I am on a budget. It has become a good friend. No more coffee house.But to be honest. It does not froth milk well. And I LOVE froth.
So, one day in a tearful prayer. Missing my "Vente'" It hit me.....Try the old school egg beater. TaDa...Amazing froth. Even with skim milk.AWESOME!!! Here how Supergirl makes Mamma's perfect cup of Joe....

What you will need....
Espresso machine, or very strong coffee. Egg beater.
Pyrex measuring cup.Milk and sugar.

1/2 to 1 cup of milk heated in the Micro. Whip with beater until the froth is to the top of your Pyrex.

Does that look yummy or what??

Get your shot of joe ready..It is about to get Happy.

Pour coffee in and add  Sugar, brown sugar or honey to taste.

Spoon on froth. Sprinkle a little sugar or cinnamon on top.
Sugar gives it a nice crust.

There you go...Perfect Joe!!!
The froth is a nice way to top cocoa for the kids.Less fat and sugar and they love it.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Birthday Monster

Ever need a last minute B-day gift??? This lil'guy is loved by all ages.
Especially tween girls. Go figure. The new owner of this guy carried him around the mall all day.

He is made of green fleece from And little scraps of felt for the eye and mouth.
You just start with a square drawn on paper,round corners. Draw arms, feet and spikes.Trace on to wrong side of fleece.Sew on eye and mouth with a blanket stitch. With right sides together.Sew on traced line.
Clip corners and curves!!!!Leave 3 inches for stuffing. Stuff.
I use a ladder stitch to sew up opening.
Ta Da!!! Monster.
Put in Bag, add lots of candy and a card.

Once you have the pattern , you always have a go to 1 hour gift.
Here are some monsters of past. I especially love the "Penta Pus".Like an octopus but with 5 legs.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Multiple Project Disorder !!

Oh! I have to many projects going on. I am having trouble finishing the robot quilt. I am having a brain freeze on how to quilt it .( free motion, grid ...)I have 2 more quilt tops that need to be quilts. I need to finish a kitten quilt for my 8 year old. (Before she cries or ties me to my chair). I have 4 plushies to make(belated Christmas) and I am knitting an afghan(Just for me..hehe) .So what did I do today????? Nothing!! Sad.......
So, I have a plan. I am going to finally finish my zig-zag quilt top. Do I sound crazy!! Fragmented!! I think so.
Well anyway.
I used all Kaffe Fassett Fabrics on this baby. I just love the colors. My MIL has been so awesome, Some people have great moms. I have the world greatest Mother in Law,She has always been the most supportive person I know!!I have started a couple quilts for her but they are never right . I think this one might be it. What do you think.

It is all cut. Now I have to start sewing..wish me luck..and speed...Please