
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Oh Man !!! That hurts....

So ...I haven't posted in a while. You wanna know why? Are you sure??
O.K. I was in the closet, after a shower, pulling on my knickers when I felt a stabbing pain in my lower back.That kind of pain that hurts so bad you feel like your body is on fire. I fell to my knees and screamed a little. My next thought was...I am buck naked with my panties half way up on my hands and knees on the floor. Wholly Crappers!!!
If I call for help, I know my kids will come running.See "the all of me" in ALL my glory and laugh like crazy.So, with all the might I pulled my self up, hiked up the unders,got sorta dressed and shuffled out to my bed.....Then screamed really loud.

Since that fateful morning. I have been well medicated and laying in bed.
I could have posted something.But it would not have made ANY sense.
Couldn't have been better timing. The big move to the new house starts tomorrow.
I think my hubby thinks I did it on purpose..LOL.
Wow, I wish I were faking it. It really hurts.
Anyone have any good advice for lower back pain??
My back has done this a couple times over the years ...Oh Man !! But never this bad.
I figure...if you can't put on your undies without throwing your back out. You better get back in shape....hehe.
If only I could sew and run on the treadmill at the same time......

I guess I will sign off for now. Hope to be back very soon!!!