
Monday, November 30, 2009

Down.. But Not Out!!

Well,  This turkey holiday was for the birds!! I stayed home in bed with the flu while my family went elsewhere for food love.
My 26 year old son hosted at his house with his wonderful girlfriend. They really went all out. His siblings were fed and proud. His turkey was AMAZING..I got a doggie bag. He layered bacon over the breast before he roasted, YUMMMMMMM!!! It was the juiciest turkey I have ever tasted.
And ,I have to say I roast a doggone good turkey. I really need to talk with him about showing up his mother. Ha Ha!
So,we cooked on Friday here. It was all I could do. By the time dinner was served I could barely hold my head up to eat.( I did manage though). I have so much to be thankful for....especially this veiw.

By Saturday I was out of it again. So, I sat in my chair and knitted this dishcloth.

I haven't knitted in ages. I felt really good. The pattern knitted up really fast. And boy howdy is it a little scrubber. I had forgotten how much I love knitted dishcloths . Everyone should have a few!!

While sitting in my chair knitting and feeling sorry for my self ..My 8 year old daughter found my Knifty Knitter loom in the basket of yarn stuff. And asked if she could give a try. I did not expect her to be at it long. But low and behold ..She spent the rest of the weekend ..non-stop...Knitting this scarf and matching arm warmers.

What a hoot. She LOVES them.

Her sister joined in and knitted a scarf also.

I love the loose weave texture.

This is the loom.

The funniest thing about this is the pink yarn. I purchased it to knit her a baby blanket
when I was preggers with her. Ha Ha...
So, if have a little one you need to keep busy for a while .I highly recommend a knitting loom!!!

Here is hoping I am back to the sewing machine soon!! I miss her so!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were sick for Thanksgiving, but it looks like you have a lot to be thankful for.

    I love my knitting loom! It goes so fast!
