
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Naughty , Naughty Kitty!!!

Isn't she sweet and cute to boot.
Ruby loves to sit here and watch me sew.

But this is what I woke up to. She climbed the design wall.

I could have cried. My WIP is now on 2.0.
All I could do is hunker down and rebuild.
Anyone else have a kitty who likes to climb the design wall???

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  1. Naughty kitty is right. I don't have a design wall, but if I dare to leave a piece of fabric on the couch or chair, they're all over it.

    Thankfully they rarely get up on to the sewing table.

    Happy quilting
    Quilting Gallery

  2. I have two sister kitties who like to climb my design wall. And they have climbed one of my quilts! Good thing it wasn't one of my best. It did have some rips in it. They weigh nearly 12 lbs each.
