
Thursday, December 31, 2009


Well, have you guessed we are from Oregon....They are off to The Rose Bowl. My First Born is a
Football-aholic. So he is attending to a Rose Bowl party to watch the game. He requested some "Duck Feet".
So...I was happy to stitch some up. Here is what I came up with, Modeled by Supergirl. She has much smaller feet than her 26yr old Bro.

I wonder how much beer is gonna land on these???

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sneaky Peeky....

Here is a little peek at what I am working on. My Bff has a new b-a-b-y.  She is adopting. He is such a lucky little guy to have a Mommy as awesome as her. I wanted to have this quilt done for his dedication.......Maybe for his first New Year??
I also have to make my 26 yr old son "duck feet" by special request for the Oregon game. They never grow up!!
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Monday, December 28, 2009

Let's get down to the knitty gritty....

I have been a baaad girl. I have allowed myself to get drawn in to a new addiction. Sad really. As if I needed something else to take me away from the housework....... It's knitting...
I don't know if it was the feel of the yarn or the instant gratification I get while watching a project grow. Hmmmm.
I blame my daughters .They and there running around with the darn knitting looms making all kinds of soft scrumptious wears. I had to pick up my needles.I had to.
First, it was only a couple innocent dish cloths. I felt a little tingly when they were finished.
But then I grabbed some bigger needles and a couple skeins from a local dealer (Micheal's).
And I started knitting a garter stitch like there was no tomorrow. I told myself only half ,only half. So, I stopped before a whole afghan. I had created a half-ghan . A wrap around scarf like thing. Soft as a babies bum.
After that..... the unmistakable signs started emerging. Instead of being in the fabric store buying my usual yards. I was being pulled to the yarn section.Touching every ball,every skein. Imagining all we could do together.
Utter madness.Really!!
I purchased yarn for all the girls for Christmas. Knowing all along I would be nabbing some for my own.
If that isn't bad enough I found my crochet needle. After a hour on youtube watching tutorial videos. I succomed.....a granny square. Where will this end.!!!????
I just know my kids are going to find me tangled in masses of yarn with that glazed over look in my eye and a grin like the Cheshire Cat. All I can hope for is that the completed works will be worth can only hope.
Be careful out there people. Let this serve as a warning.

The dish clothes

The Half-ghan

Saturday, December 26, 2009

SuperGirl Makes Christmas Bright

Oh , my SuperGirl made very happy sisters this Christmas....She sewed for the oldest, A ninja she designed and sewed from fleece and felt.
She sewed a "Max" from the "Wild Things" .One of our favorite books.
Also made from fleece and wool felt. For the youngest.
There is something so special about seeing your little girl grow up and create wonderful things for the
people around her. Both of the recipients were happy, both creations have been well hugged every since.
UPDATE: The girls pointed out that I did not give the name of the Ninja....She has named him Chow Mein.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Annie's Quilt

This is the quilt I made for my Son's Girlfriend Annie.
I am so happy she has it now so I can share!!

I love the whirlgig !! It pieced fast.

              It was hard to get a good pic of this one.

I free motion quilted the white so the color pops out.

Can you see the back??? It looks almost prettier than the front, puckerey love.

I just love the way it turned it bad that it was hard to give away??

Friday, December 18, 2009

Teacher gifts......check.

Made these *Coffee Cozies* for the Teachers.
We stuck a gift card inside.
Super fast project for last minute gifts.
Got the Idea from the wonderful "House on Hill Road Blog"
The pattern is here.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh, Christmas tree...fake Christmas tree

This year I went with a fake tree.  It is the first time we have not had a "Real Christmas Tree"..... The only thing we really all miss is the scent of fresh evergreen.....sigh...
But, I am going to be really happy when the time comes to take it down
Here in the desert 1/2 the tree needles end up on the floor.

To give it a little freshness. I bought a bunch of "babies breath" from the floral dept. at the grocery.
Cut little bunches and layered them all over the tree, a little indoor snow..

It smells nice and looks so pretty.

Doesn't Santa look happy?

Barbie looks content also.
In years past I have also done this with a real tree.As the flowers dry. It still looks great,
One year I even put roses on the tree with the babies breath. Big effect!!
It is also a great way to freshen up a tree before a party.

Comfort Food...

When only homemade Mac ~N~ Cheese will do. You know gooey, bubbly and scrumptious.
This has been a solidly tough week , so to make myself feel warm and lovey inside . I made this ....

Come on, Can't you just smell the cheddar goodness.
We really need "scratch the screen & sniff " here!

Homemade Mac & Cheese

5 Tbls. Butter
5 Tbls. Flour
1 Knorr chicken bouillon cube
Black Pepper
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
2 1/2 cups Milk
3 cups shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese(reserve 1/2 cup)
1 lb. Pasta
4 slices white bread

Boil a large pot of water with  1 or 2 tsp. of salt. Cook pasta only until al dente'.  Drain. In a saucepan
melt butter over medium heat. Add flour stirring until well blended. Continue stirring until bubbly and a
blond in color. 3 to 5 min. Add bouillon cube, stir until melted. Stir in milk. Cook until your sauce is
thickened.Add nutmeg and pepper to taste. Stir in cheese until melted and well blended. I use a whisk.
In a buttered casserole dish pour 1/2 the sauce 1/2 the pasta . Stir well . Repeat.
Cut crusts off white bread. Pulse in food processor until crumbs.
Sprinkle remaining cheese on top of casserole and then sprinkle bread crumbs,
Bake at 375 until bubbly and brown around the edges.


p.s. I have been making it this way for years. It's the first time I have written out the recipe.
I hope it makes sense.

Monday, December 14, 2009


The Girlie's had a Christmas Program. The outfits were lacking pop.
Sooooooo... Whipped up one ruffle fleece scarf and one wool felt
holly pin. They loved them. It took me less than an hour.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

** Sunday Stash**

This little bundle is going to be my bedspread( I swear). The prints are..Marcus Bros. "Al Fresco". I bought this king size chartreuse color sheet from Garnet Hill on their sale page for $10(YEA!!),I am using it for the backing. And a matching solid brown, just cuz'.
To peek at more stash.. go here..I know you want to.
Happy Sunday!!
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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Scrappy Santa Gnome.....

Here is a little guy I sewed up today. I am not sure what I want to do with him...
But I had better do it quick!! I am thinking table runner. I could not help myself ..I had to make him after I saw this flickr picture. Kudos to SparklyGreenKnickers!!!!  Inspiring!!!
What do ya think. Face or no face???

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Little Show Off ...Strikes Again!!

SuperGirl Does it again.The nice folkes over at the flickr group Fabric, Patchwork and Quilting nominated her quilt for thier Quilt of the Week contest. I am as proud as can be. She is on the clouds!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Some Updates.....

SuperGirl finished her quilt top.

It looks so pretty whipping in the wind.

Getting a little further along in the Modify Tradition Quilt-Along. The finished blocks are...

Dutchman's Puzzle

Ohio Star

Lady in the Lake

And..I don't know what this is called. I saw a pic of this on the web .It was grouped
with some other vintage blocks. I think it looks like hard candy..
Anyone know the name?

Here are the fat quarters I won from Amanda at Crazy Mom Quilts .
She is sooo awesome. I love them. I am on a blue and green theme lately...

The Girls are still knitting scarves on the loom....we are going to have one of every old yarn in the house before it's over

My Granny's Quilt Top.......Help !!

Is this pretty or what? I have had in a box since I was about 16. My Granny pieced this by hand. I believe it is made from flour sacks. Some of the pieces have the printing on the back. She was in her 80's when this top was sewn. The hand sewing is really something. Each piece was hand cut with scissors.After years of storing. It needs help. I think I am gaining enough confidence in my sewing to try a restoration of sorts. But I need some advice!!

As you can see the seams are fraying and coming apart.

Can you see the stitches? They are just a little loose to hold. I think this was the last top she tried before she passed away.   I started to take it apart and repair block by block.
The trouble started when I thought about machine sewing the blocks back together.
This is a funny block.....

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to re-construct this pattern???
I thought when I took it apart I had it but now I am just confused....
Has anyone seen this block before?
How in the heck does it go together without big bumps and puckers???
Oh,my goodness..please don't tell me I am hand sewing.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Down.. But Not Out!!

Well,  This turkey holiday was for the birds!! I stayed home in bed with the flu while my family went elsewhere for food love.
My 26 year old son hosted at his house with his wonderful girlfriend. They really went all out. His siblings were fed and proud. His turkey was AMAZING..I got a doggie bag. He layered bacon over the breast before he roasted, YUMMMMMMM!!! It was the juiciest turkey I have ever tasted.
And ,I have to say I roast a doggone good turkey. I really need to talk with him about showing up his mother. Ha Ha!
So,we cooked on Friday here. It was all I could do. By the time dinner was served I could barely hold my head up to eat.( I did manage though). I have so much to be thankful for....especially this veiw.

By Saturday I was out of it again. So, I sat in my chair and knitted this dishcloth.

I haven't knitted in ages. I felt really good. The pattern knitted up really fast. And boy howdy is it a little scrubber. I had forgotten how much I love knitted dishcloths . Everyone should have a few!!

While sitting in my chair knitting and feeling sorry for my self ..My 8 year old daughter found my Knifty Knitter loom in the basket of yarn stuff. And asked if she could give a try. I did not expect her to be at it long. But low and behold ..She spent the rest of the weekend ..non-stop...Knitting this scarf and matching arm warmers.

What a hoot. She LOVES them.

Her sister joined in and knitted a scarf also.

I love the loose weave texture.

This is the loom.

The funniest thing about this is the pink yarn. I purchased it to knit her a baby blanket
when I was preggers with her. Ha Ha...
So, if have a little one you need to keep busy for a while .I highly recommend a knitting loom!!!

Here is hoping I am back to the sewing machine soon!! I miss her so!!