
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hey Cupcake........

Have you Guys seen the new issue of SMALL magazine. So great. As the kids and I  drooled through each page we came across this recipe for the "moist" amazing cupcakes.
Problem.......No cupcake liners. So being the crafty little buggers we are.
We made our own. They turned out pretty good, so I thought I would share.
You will need 24, 5" inch x 5" inch pieces of parchment paper.
The parchment paper I used was 15" inches wide . Easy math yeh!!
a 1/2 cup measuring cup
a glass that fits inside the measuring cup
Center paper over the glass turned on it's end.
Smooth over .

Press measuring cup over glass and paper, wiggle to set.
Put your paper cups in muffin pan. Fill with batter using a ice cream scoop .
They should look like this.
I used a ziplock bag with the tip of a bottom corner cut off.
Just fill with frosting and squeeze.

Sprinkle with sugar sprinkles.
Super Yummy!!!
Sorta cute.


  1. I love the way these improvised cupcake liners look! I'll have to try them.

  2. I liked the look to...I told the kiddos."No more commercial papers."
    Thanks for the comment.

  3. You're so clever! What a great idea, and great looking cupcakes!

  4. Why Thanks!!! You always leave such nice comments.Thank you!!

  5. These are great! I've tried to make my own, but have gotten little corners and pieces stuck in the cupcake, so I love your easy method! I've posted a feature today on your blog on my column if that's OK. My fellow editor at Lesson Plans found this post for me... (

  6. Now how cute is this! I love it. But now I'm wondering about other papers I could use...This could get dangerous as my kitchen overflows with cupcakes while I try out stuff. :-)

  7. Awesome .... Thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea
    .the cupcakes looks so cute in these liners !!!

    - Smita
    Little Food Junction

  8. OH.. now where were you when I needed this for my mini brownies :-)
    I think they look SO cute.. would use them even if I didn't NEED em :-)
    lovely !

  9. Oh my gosh, I think I like these BETTER than regular liners...I'm going to give it a shot tonight! Thanks!

  10. Thanks so much for this idea!
    My son is a big muffin eater and
    I constantly buying muffin cups!
    This will be a great activity for
    PS I saw your idea from Craft!!! :)
    Atlanta GA

  11. Hi! I love this creative idea! I was wondering if I could share this on The Picket Fence blog? I would credit you and provide a link to your blog as well. Please let me know! Thanks.

  12. What a great idea! The cupcakes look yummy.


  13. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!!! SERIOUSLY! I've been searching for tips on how to make your own cupcake liners for about a week now, and finally came across your instructional just now =)

    My only problem now is to look for other food-safe papers (in different colors) to make these with! Can't wait to try out your tip! Keep up the good work =)

  14. I am creating some cupcakes for a vintage wedding and THIS would be awesome! Thank you for the great idea!

  15. I am creating some cupcakes for a vintage wedding and this would be perfect! Thank you- what a clever mommy you are!

  16. Okay, I tried these last night, and they didn't turn out near as close to yours....The paper tore the cupcakes apart, did you do anything special with the paper, because mine did not turn out....


  17. Hey Mary,
    I have used this method a bunch and have never had a problem. A local cupcake store also used parchment paper for all her cups. The only thing I can think of is ..... If the parchment paper was bad??? I have purchased less than stellar parchment paper before. Baked some pretty sad cookies with it. Now I only use Wilton or Renold's . I am sorry it didn't work for you.

  18. Hi Blueberrymoon....and you did 5x5 sheets right? did you spray anything in the papers? I want mine to look like yours so bad, I can taste it....:)

    hum....maybe I will just have to the way, I bought my parchment paper from a candy store.


  19. I just did this technique to bake up some cupcakes using left over cake mix and I have struggled in the past making these. This DIY was dare I say it...DA BOMB! I had to go 90's for a sec. Very easy and they turned out awesome! My go to technique for a funky cupcake liner.
