
Saturday, February 13, 2010

So let's catch up.....

Life is crazy lately. But, I have managed to do a little craftin'....

I taught myself to Granny...................

     I am just learning ,so I used left over yarn. I wish I would have used better quality. Oh well. It is still cuddly. 10 down. oh so many to go.....
 I patched my CrazyGirl's jeans. She is the only one of my kiddos that wear out the knees of all
her jeans!!!! I used old denim from cut-offs. Heat bond to stick them on. Then hand stitches around the edge. After a good washing the fraying came out. Looks so cute on. Better than new.And her friends love them.

 I stitched up some glassine goody bags for the kiddos.
I think they turned out cute. 
Well I feel caught up...haha.
Now off to sew ...I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done with the granny squares, and jeans! And cute treat bags! Happy Valentines Day!
