
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Drum Roll Please.....................

Today's the day. The Winner is Courtney from Not so Homemade She was comment 151. I used to pick the winner. Then played on the website for quit some time. I love randomness.
I also loved reading what everyone is up to this spring! Lots of sewing machines humming all over this land.
I have truly been inspired . I think I am going to make a fun quilt and a spring bag myself. Oh geez I better work on the UFO's too.
Thanks to all of you who entered. And to all of my new friends I hope I don't disappoint!!!
May everyone's spring be sunny and creative!!!  Now let's get sewing  people!!!

Courtney, I am shooting you an e-mail. If you come here first send me your address and I will drop your
fabric in the mail.


  1. OH my gosh! That's my best friend! She told me about your craft blog and faith sos and I just started following you last night! I got on today to check and saw this! I just called her and she didn't know yet!

  2. I was to busy drooling over the coffee to notice the post, sorry.
    Congratulations to the winner!

    I am a coffee holic and that's how I drink it, lots of whipcream, and carmel sauce.

    Congratulations to the winner again!

  3. What a fun give-away! Congratulations to Courtney and good luck to EVERYONE on their spring projects!
