
Monday, March 22, 2010

Mama's got a brand new bag...........

My weekend sewing was pretty darn productive. In honor of National Quilting Day I started a new quilt.
I'll just say......" I am seeing stars,and I like it!!" I am using the same fabrics that were featured in
It's going well. Can't wait to share.
Also, when I was reading all the comments about spring sewing I was inspired by the gals who said they were going to make a "Spring Bag". I thought I would give it a shot.

     So, I got out all my purse patterns..That I never got around to making... I opened them , read the instructions, measured fabric...................then.............threw out the patterns and winged it.
Please tell me I am not the only one that does that.
Here is what I ended up with.

Spring bag looks a little silly with winter background.
 Can't beat an Amy Butler fabric for a bag.
If you want some I found some here.
    It is decor weight but I still stiffened it with some iron on Pellon.
     I bought at JoAnn's . It sits up without falling over. I like that.


  1. I love your spring bag! You did a marvelous job of 'winging' it. I, on the other hand, always have to use a pattern (which I can alter to suit my needs). That's me, always coloring inside the lines (lol). I love the handle you chose and the fabric is fab!

  2. I like your bag. No, you are not the only one who buys 5 patterns and then abandons all of them!

  3. I love your bag! And i couldn't agree more... you definitely can't beat Amy Butler and Heather Bailey for bag fabric!!!

  4. That is an amazing bag! I love the flower accent you put on!
