
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

$3.82 a yard !!!! I love

 I ordered some fabric last week from . This beautiful bundle of fabric love arrived today.
I have shopped from time to time over the years. Not a lot ,I don't know why......I am always so happy when I do. Some of it was clearance, some not. I had a coupon for 20 % off. That I found on-line here . All the fabric I ordered is designer.  Gabrielle by Studio E , Valorie Wells for Free Spirit. Tina Givens for Free Spirit ect. I had ordered 7 1/2 yards..but I received 10 1/4 yards they add a few inches to almost every piece. That seems to be a rule with them lately. I am dancing around like a happy fool right now. The final price turned out to be $3.82 a yard. How cool is that????? I don't know what I am going to do with it all yet. But ya'll know I will.
Or the girls will.
Here is some fabric eye candy........don't drool on the keyboard . {chuckles}
Gabrielle by Studio E
Valorie wells...Nest. Olivia's Holiday  by tina givens on the bottom.
Isn't this lil' bird sweet?? Also from Nest.
A piece of red and aqua for my collection.
More Tina Givens in the piles too.
What a great lot of fabric huh????

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oh My.....What a week !!!

Wow, has this week has been a doosey!!
It started out fine. I finished the 101 siggy blocks for the siggy swap . Proud as punch I was.... until ....
Tuesday when my 17 year old son ,a.k.a the boy, had a skateboarding accident. Not just any little ol' spill. A real live "Jackass" moment. I have never seen anyone with more pavement rash. In his whole life, I have hardly ever had to put on a band-aid on him. Ugggg. He redeemed all his ouchie quota's in one fall. I am nursing his wounds 24/7 with this one.

 Wednesday our darling 4 year old Midgie took a spill on the playland at McDonald's. She went from ice cream cone uphoria, to bleeding profusely in meer moments. Oh man it scared the 24 year old manager on duty to death. He was more pail than she was. It was only a cut under her brow. But by the looks of it you would have thought 911 was in order. Luckily not needed. She did come home with a butterflied wound and a ridiculous amount of McDonald's chocolate chip cookies. On the house of course.

Thursday while I was taking a break from the crazy for a minute, kicking back in my favorite chair ...the boy's friends popped over to cheer him up.Four teenage boys, his closest buds. I am still not sure what happened, or why the boys were beside my design wall (can you tell where this is going?). But all of the sudden, hours and hours of work , painstakingly piecing each little triangle of the hexagon quilt-along quilt, that was up on the design wall.... was on the floor. I had finally perfected the layout. Every block was positioned in a random but not random place. The colors were scattered perfectly.  I had even started sewing and placing each piece back on the wall, in just the right place......@#*$%  teenage boys cannot help but horse around. Being the sweet boys they are they tried to put it all back. You can imagine what that looks like. I have to say though, the whole incident did take the boy's mind off the pain. Giggling at your friends who are trying to make up with your mother will do that.
So, I guess it goes without saying ...I am a little behind on my posts. blogging and sewing will have to wait while I smear neosporin ,wrap gauze, and hug these kids as tightly as I can without them screaming. Although it has been one helava week.... It reminds me of what is important . I am blessed it is just some wounds and not worse. It is amazing to see what great friendships my son has made ,they are really caring and good young men.  I am proud that my other children love one another enough to put everything aside to make sure the wounded have everything they need .And there is lots and lots of love. I guess a shake up once in a while is a good thing.

I 'll be back shortly. When the healing begins.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Got pics ??

If anyone makes any "Nakey Baby Project" clothes. Or, if you have something doll  inspiring to share with the rest of us please share on the "Nakey Baby"  flickr page. I would love to see some other cute babies : ).
And any other baby doll ideas.

Also, If you have a quilt , quilt project or vintage quilt share it at " Quilt Love".
I can spend all day lurking around flikr. But I never would (wink,wink).

Friday, June 18, 2010

First "Nakey Baby" Outfit...............

Nakey Baby Templates Are now Available in my Shop!!
I no longer blog here and can't keep up with the demand! But, I still want to offer this project!!
Go to the store tab on the top of page!!
Thank You!!!

Welcome to the "Nakey Baby" Project
Well here goes, 
This is the first time I have done a on-line project like this, so please forgive my "Newbie-ness"
Scrap Fabric ( I am using knit but you can use terry.flannel, cotton woven or an old tee shirt)
1/4 inch elastic 6 inches should do it.
Templates printed out.(shown at the end of post )

 Print out and cut your templates.
Lay them out on the fold of your fabric as shown. The sleeve template does not need to be on the fold.
Cut 2 of each.
 This is what you should have. We will work on the diaper first.
 Pin diaper cuts right side together.

 Mark opening on the top back of the diaper cut. 
This is your start /stop sewing marks. This way you will have a opening to turn it inside out. Sew a 1/4 inch seam,  stitch around from mark to mark. Turn inside out and press.
This is what you'll have.


 At this point sew up the opening. Time to add velcro. Size the diaper on baby. Then add soft side of Velcro to front of diaper and Velcro hook side to back tabs as shown here. Try the Diaper on the baby.

 Now that was quick and simple....right. A great thing for a new sewer.
Sew a couple more for a set.

Now on to the top.

Pin sleeve pieces right side together on both sides of one body piece. Sew 1/4 inch seam to attach.
 It will look like this with both sleeves sewn.

Now attach  the other body piece to the un-sewn edges of the sleeves. It will look like this.

Then sew the side seams together. Start where the sleeve ends to the bottom of top. Use reinforced stitches at all starts and stops.
At this point fold down top edge of neckline 1/2 inch and sew. Leave a opening for the elastic.

Insert elastic cinch up to fit baby, then sew up opening. Your top will look like this now. Try on baby.
Cute right!! And quick. 
Since I am using knit, I did not finish edges of the sleeves ect. If you used a woven fabric, add a 1/2 inch all around the trapezoid shaped templates ..
That should give you plenty of room to hem.
If you want a longer dress just add to the length
 of the large top template.
Here are pictures of other sets I made with these templates.

 You can really dress up this diaper with some ruffles. Refer to this post for ruffle making.

This one has matching britches. I'll add that template next week.
I hope you like these patterns. Enjoy!!!

Here are the links to the templates, just click and print.

Tip: After printing and cutting the templates. Size to the baby you are sewing for by fitting the paper around baby if you need to enlarge or reduce size change your printer settings to suit.
My baby is 13 inches long.

Update: If you like this post please follow this link to see all the posts in this project.
Lots of cute doll outfits to make.
I will be adding even more on Friday.
" Nakey Baby" Project 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This is a Long Overdue Post........

I have been meaning to blog about  this for some time now. You get to see what I have been doing instead of blogging.........

I never win anything..... This is a comment that will never come out of my mouth, EVER again.  In the last few months I won, a fat quarter set from another blogger,  a 23 fat quarter bundle from Sew Mama Sew's quilting month and ........drum roll   EQ7!! Yes an EQ7. Can you believe it.  I swooned!
From the fabulous "Jennifer Can Quilt" blog's EQ7 contest.
I counted the days until it arrived. And when it came. My girls and I fought for who got to play first. I won AGAIN...haha. I am bigger than them you know.
This is the first design I came up with

That's all the time I got before SuperGirl took over. She designed this one.

And this one,

She LOVES solids. She is the Kona Queen in this house. Remember this quilt. Her 13th B-day is coming. All she wants is Kona in every color.

This is another design I played with'
         Inspired by this quilt by Red Pepper Quilts.

This is sooo easy. I love it!!! I can't wait to make a quilt from start to finish with this software.

We Love Our New Blessing!!
    Dream, Design, Create with EQ7

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pink is her favorite color..........

My oldest daughter... who is now 15. Received this little set when she was 5.

As the years have gone by I have made new bedding and repainted it white with each new owner. This sweet set is on to owner number six.   # 6  decided repainting it white, was not an option. I told her that it has always been white...  her 5 big sisters liked the set white.
She didn't waiver, after all she is 4.  #6 wanted pink. Not just any pink. Bright tulip pink.  Oh, my.
How about yellow? Or baby blue? No PINK!!
The Boy did the spray painting. I owe him for that. After all his fingers were pink for a while....
I  sewed a mattress and pillow, covered the seat. Then made a lil'quilt for the back of the chair.
I think you have seen the baby quilt before  :)  , this is it's new home.
Now that the project is done. I think pink was a good choice.
I think Baby thinks so too. # 6 and sassy loves it!!

Wow What a treat !!!! This project is featured on Remodelaholic!!!!

I am giddy!! I am dancing!!!!
Sign up to follow their blog..FANTASTIC!!

Anyone want to join in ?????

My Goal in this project is to clothe the" nakey babies" (dolls) in this house. 
I have been sewing a few little things and making a couple patterns/tutorials to share.
So, if any of you are tripping over nakey babies in your house. Please join in.
I am thinking that over the summer I will make clothes for all the nakey's and maybe some spares.
It is never to early to sew for Christmas or B-day's.
I will post once a week on Friday. I am keeping it simple. Beginner friendly.
If anyone has any ideas, patterns links or inspiration to share ...please do.
Grab your scraps of fabric , Velcro and a "Nakey Baby"
this will be fun.
I will add a flickr group so we can share pics of the babies we are sewing for and the things we sew.
Here is some links to getcha in the mood.
Idea's on refurbishing lil'one's from Save the Doll's
a dress and a pinafore from Susan Krammer

Please Join me !!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Headaches from Hexagons............

Hello All ,
I am working on the hexagon quilt -along today and these hexagons are tough to layout!
I really want a quilt that looks modern and simple. I would kinda like it to be a giant hexagon. But I don't think I have made enough blocks. I am playing with all kinds of ideas ...but it is least for me.  I have tried a few things...
Low-tech (Thank to my kiddos pattern blocks)
High-tech ( thanks to my EQ7 that I won, more about that later)

My-tech ( graph paper)
It always comes back to the graph paper!!!

If any of you are like me you will love this source for free printable graph paper. They have so many cool papers I dare you to go there ,take a look, and not want to design a new quilt. Sharpen your colored pencils people. It is Awesome!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Come on...I know you want some.

It was the Big Man's Birthday Sunday. 
I made his favorite cheesecake.
I like a little extra crust, can you tell.

I also made a cherry sauce for the top.
I made this with dark sweet cherries and Kirsch ( cherry brandy ).
I am pretty sure when it was simmering, 
a little piece of Heaven fell from the sky....
and right into this sauce. 
Perfect Pair.

If your needing you own.
I did not use the sour cream topping.
I did ad a 1/2 cup of heavy cream to the eggs.
Tip. Fill a roasting pan with boiling water. Placing it on the bottom rack under the cheese cake.
This will keep your oven moist so your 
cheesecake won't crack.

The cherry sauce was made with:
4 cups of dark cherries
1 c. sugar (less if your cherries are sweet)
2 cups water
1/2 cup Kirsch

Stir every thing together in a sauce pan. Bring to boil.
Simmer for 10 min. Ad 2 T. corn starch mixed with a little water.
Cook until thick.