
Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Looooong Time Away....

My Goodness it has been along time since I blogged.!!!   Here in the desert summer break starts in May.
With my 7 kiddos home for the summer......I am....well...a little crazed. The blog is the first thing that goes.
I have managed to sew a little. Some summer jammies for the little one.
 They turned out pretty cute.
I am also making signature blocks for this Siggy Swap.
I am having fun playing with Hexagons. 
I really did not need another project........
I have tooo many WIP's right now!!
But after I saw all the lovelies going on at the Quilt Along. I just had to join the fun.

SuperGirl is also hooked on hexagons. This is here handy work.
She is having fun creating different designs.
I am a purest I guess...or just a little boring.

Well, now that I am getting the swing of summer. I'll be a bloggin' more.
Have a awesome day!!!!!!

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