
Friday, February 25, 2011

Long Time No Typing........

Well, Hello Strangers.
It has been toooooo long. I can go on and on with all my excuses for not blogging for so long.
But .....Bottom line. Bad back,big move, new house and this is the first time in 27 years I have not had a child at home during the day. All the kiddos are in school. I have been a little lost.
So, now I am recovered, settled, pampered and over feeling sorry for myself!
Time to get back to the things I love. Blogging, quilting, sewing and sharing !!

To get myself going I have started a new quilt. I am calling it " Bricks and Mortar".
The fabrics are from Anthology. The line is High Society. I love this fabric!!!!
I have a new brown sofa and I am hoping this will be a match.

I am in the process of cutting the "Bricks "from the prints and the "Mortar" will be cut from Kona Charcoal.
I have drawn it out on graph paper as you can see from the photo. I could use a little help in the drawing department. The sewing should go better.  I will share as I go along.  I hope to have cutting instructions ect., for those who might want to try this one, soon.
Have a Fantastic Day!!!


  1. ooohhh! I LOVE High Society! I'll be anxiously awaiting this one to be done! It's going to look fabulous!! Love the pattern you are working on too! YAY!!

  2. Hey stranger; good to see you're back! Sorry your life has been in such chaos. Hopefully your back is better these days. :)

  3. Woohoo! You're back! I'd do the 'happy dance' but it's 5:00 in the morning so it's much too early for dancing! I'm glad you're feeling better and are back with us.

  4. Hey! March has come and gone! How are you coming on that quilt? Hope all is well with you. Hugs! :)

  5. Just a late check in, here. I hope your family enjoyed a marvelous Christmas season and that the new year finds you all healthy and well. Hugs!!! :)
