
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sneak Peek.......
I am working on a new project.............finally!! I have had the worst time getting into the swing of things since the move. Two years ago!! I just don't have the best creative space here. But in the spirit of "Bloom where you are planted" I am feeling the bug again. Sometimes it is best just to do it...right??

These little beauties are going into a sleepover set for my girly. I think little girls and polka dots are a match made in Heaven!!!


  1. Oh my gracious...what scrumptious fabrics these are! And delightful colors, too. This would get me in the mood for playing in the sewing room, too!!! :)

  2. That is such a cute set of fabric! I bet your girly will love it. :)

  3. they are beauties...the fabrics are fabulous!
