
Monday, July 16, 2012

I Have Been Framed.....

Yes, I have been framed..........And I like it!!!

Does anyone out there shop on Craigslist ? The Hubs does, all the time. Who knew he would find me a quilting frame?!?!?! Cheap.... (Cheap was the only way I was going to get one) gotta love my guy!!

I am not sure if it will work for all quilts.  Because you use a pantograph method and I have a mid-arm machine. So, I can only work in 5 inch rows. Which worked well on the quilt bags. I think they are pretty and it was quick!! 

Now for this " Bricks and Mortar " quilt.... The jury is still out. 

This is a blurry photo but if you look at the top shelf of the frame .... Brontë Made a stone pattern pantograph for me to follow along. I sewed around each stone 3 times hoping that 
after it washes the stones will pop up some....we'll see.

We wanted the end result to look kinda like this.....

I think we aimed kinda high since I am a newbie.... big time!!!!

Here is how it went,

 And here is what I ended up with (sorry pics are yellow, monsoon season makes for strange lighting).....

And the back.....

I made more mistakes than I care to mention. There are birds nests and missed stitches galore. It took hours and hours.......... 
And I love it!! Totally worth it and I can only get better......I hope!!
Now to bind this beast. I was thinking either gray, orange or pieced with the prints. Can't decide. What do you think?
I would love to hear any advice y'all might have on quilting!
I need all the help I can get.
In the meantime.
I can't wait to bind , wash , the cuddle this one!!


  1. I vote orange! But I like to make my bindings stand out so maybe gray would be a more appropriate choice.
    I'm so glad to see you blogging again. I've missed your posts!

  2. Hooray! Frames make for fun in quilting to me. I think it looks pretty darn good and you are right, you will only get better. Experimentation is so fun. :)
