
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I am" Breaking Dishes" around here............

Okay, not real dishes......
I have been making these blocks. Traditionally called "Broken Dishes". 
What do you think?? 
The Fabrics are from Joel Dewberry's "Heirloom" .
 I am framing each block in his "Woodgrain".
I am using these babies in bed quilt just for me...{sigh}
 A dream come for me:)
I knew I would have to choose something fast and simple...........Nobody will ever let Mom do something for herself .........for long anyway.
Can anyone relate?
Here is a quick tutorial on these super easy blocks. This would make a great beginner block!!

Each block uses four fabrics. Cut in Squares. I cut 7 inches.......I wanted a big block. Finished it will be 12 inches.
My border/frame is 2 inches........
So, when all is done.... the framed block is 15".

To begin we will make half square triangles.
Pair up two squares, put them right sides together. Repeat with the other two.

 Draw lines from corner to corner. Use a dark pen so you can really see the line. It will be used as a guide to sew and then cut.

Stich a 1/4 inch from the line... on one side. Turn your block and do the same on the other side of the line. That should leave your pen line with two stitched lines, one on each side. Now do the same with other squares......

Now cut down the pen line. Easy Peasy. Repeat with remaining squares.

Open each square and press flat. Trim each one to 6 1/2 inches squared up. This is what you should have.

Arrange Like so........... 
Then stitch squares together to make the block. I sew the top two together , then the bottom two. Match center seams and then sew top to bottom. Just like that...Broken Dishes.

 This one is sewn in a slightly different combo of fabrics.

Here is one with the border/frame.

 I'll be sewing twelve in all...........

To be continued.........

Ooh Ooh .....I am linking here.

Fresh Poppy Design


  1. I love this design - especially with these bright and vibrant fabrics!!

  2. So beautiful! I am definitely in love with that fabric.

  3. So pretty! I love the wood fabric!!
