
Friday, September 28, 2012

Tweet Tweet..........

                 I am sewing birds. And I can't stop.........
But come on!!! Are they not the cutest?!!!

It all started when I joined a pincushion swap over at Threadbias
 I went on the google machine looking for inspiration........
and there it was. 
It is pretty easy to make. So ....Why make just one???
I will confess my hand sewing is for the birds 
(pardon the pun). I try ........ 

I started with a basket of scraps. And the pattern.

Trying to match up fabrics for cute lil' birds.
Then I sewed them up on the machine.
Stuffed them and pinned wings and tail in place.

Then hand sew to finish........

One lil' girlie bird done.....
many to go:)

Have a fun weekend " Peeps" !!!!


I have gone mad..... I have made 11 of these. For no good reason really!!!

Maybe Christmas ornaments?

My cat Merlin likes them. Maybe a cat toy :)

More pics!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Broken Bark and Dishes......

Sounds like a party in the woods..........

But, it is just my finished quilt. Finally!!!!!

I think this is the first quilt that I have made, where I took pictures all through the process.
Thank you instagram.

I knew when I started this one, it was for me. My bedroom is dark woods, deep caramel walls and lavender bedding. 
 So, I chose fabrics that were bright and dark at the same time. And had all my colors in it.
I went with......
Heirloom by Joel Dewberry (the ruby palette)
And Bark from his Aviary collection

Since, I am not much for a quilt pattern or even a plan........
I just started playing. 

I came up with the block....

And then played with it some more.....

Had a beverage......... in a mason jar, of course!!

Then sewed a whole bunch!

Sewed it together. Made the binding.....

Thought about a border..... Couldn't decide. So, I skipped it. Pieced the back.

Then quilted it together.  Put the binding on.....
Can you see my squiggly machine quilting? I just loved how it turned out:)

And now..... I have a quilt. Just for me!! :)

Here are a few more pics of my finished baby!!!

 A little shady......

  A moment in the sun.......

 Showing off her backside.....

 Some time just hanging around.....

And a pic of my assistant Brie. Always there with a lint roller, a free hand, and a smile.

Well.......... finishing a quilt is a bittersweet. 
I love that it's done. But, now to begin again. 

I haven' the foggiest idea what my next quilt will be right now. Maybe, I will finish some UFO's..............Hmmmmm.

Hugs and Happy Sewing!!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Playing with Pictures.......

I love taking pictures. I am not great at it, but I try. 
Lately it seems like the harder I try....
The more discouraged I get. Before the digital revolution. 
I took a million pictures, developed them. Chose a couple photos out of the  pack and put them in a album.
Done!   Now, my life of photos has become quite different. 
I take 2 million pictures....look at them in iphoto. 
I think to they just seem so BLAH!!!! 
 So, then I get discouraged and yell for Bronte. 
She will pic a few photos and say, "These are great Mom." With that sweet look in her eye that says....aren't you sweet for trying mom. I recognize that look because it is the same one I gave her.... when she was little and 
I was still better at things that her.... 
In this realm, she is superior!! 

Well, I am done feeling sorry for myself!!!

I decided to teach myself a couple things. 
(I can't face that look from Bronte again!!! )
One of the things I decided to learn was how to develop photos in some post processing programs. 
I had pretty low expectations for myself. 
But, I am here to say..... I think I got this!!!!

I first played with Photoshop.... I love Photoshop. I am just barely at a beginner level.  It is a slight bit over my head. 
I did understand and love the using the Actions option in Photoshop. There are TONS of free Actions downloads out there in internet land. And easy to understand instructions.

With my learning curve being a bit of a disability.......

Next, I tried Aperture. I found it super easy and really fun. In Aperture you can use Presets. To adjust your photos. And again there are tons of free downloads out there. Making aperture the easiest to pic up and run with.

Being the curious one.... I had to try Lightroom
I LOVE IT !!!!! It is slightly more complicated than Aperture. But, way more beginner friendly than Photoshop. And yet again.......tons of free Presets downloads.

You want to see what this 45 year old barely computer friendly lady taught herself ? 
Please keep in mind.... I am just a newbie.
 And, I learned everything on my own with just the google machine! It amazes me what you can teach yourself with just a little gumption and the internet! Am I right?

Before / After
 This is a photo of Brooke. Great pic..... But with a little help from Aperture. Better!

 This is a picture I took of Ben. 
I like the original photo (center). I caught some sun rays and sun spots, along with his super cute smile. 
It really did shine more in the Lightroom fix (left). 
The Aperture fix(right) has a great modern vintage feel........
If that makes any sense.

 I took this pic of Brie while out shooting the Mason Jar Cozy. Just a quick spontaneous shot. This one was done with Photoshop actions. I love the golden highlights!!!

I know this probably sounds crazy..... 
This is one of my favorite pictures of Ben. He was just staring off into space. I took it without him even really knowing. 
Something about the fact that it is so candid.
 I can feel him in this one. Crazy I know!!!!
I adjusted it in Lightroom
I think by taking out the color ... it focuses on him and the elements around him that I loved. The bricks, parking meters and sun rays. But loses the fray. Like the patrons in the far back. I was also able to sharpen up his face and remove some shadows.
(FYI if you click on the photos they get bigger :) )

Isn't this one a hoot!! 
Brie always has a smile on her face. 
But in this pic that Bronte took. She looks all tough and stuff. Since she looked like a little skater kid..... I wanted to give this pic a old school california dog town feel. 
I think I nailed it!! 

I guess I have learned a couple things.
 I feel way more energized to go out there
 and take some photos!!! 
I may be an old dog....but, I can still learn a new trick or two.

If you are more experienced at this I would LOVE some tips!!!
If you wanna try it like me .... 
I found this free program that can get you started.

I got lucky when I bought my Mac. 
It was loaded with all this cool stuff. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. Even though there wasn't any fabric or food involved......

Have a great week guys!!

Monday, September 17, 2012


First off!!! Thanks for all the sweet comments !!! I have the very best peeps!!!

I had a lot of fun reading what you all would drink in a mason jar. I think there is something about sewing and sweet tea........ you girls love some sweet tea.


We have a winner!!!!!

It is .....Angiepants!!!!

She was #28 ... picked by

So, Miss Angiepants ... Let me know where to send your goodies girl!!!

Hope all of you have a great week!!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I am Getting Cozy with Mason.....

Mason "jar" that is.............
I have had so many beautiful people ask me how I made my mason jar w/ a straw lid. And y'all loved the cozy :)
So, I thought I would share how I do it.
(Little giveaway at the bottom of this post)

First for the cozy.............
You will need some 3 inch quilt blocks, 
or just a 3 inch square. 
Also some knit fabric scraps or old tee shirts.

I made some 3 inch blocks.........

I added a 1 3/4" x 3" inch pieces of knit to the top 
and bottom of the block.....

The I attached a 6 x 7 inch piece of knit one side of the block.
(this is when my camera died ...oooops)

Once that is done. Fold in half , with the right sides of the longest edges together. Sew . Then turn inside out. Fit it around your jar. Sew a seam right sides together, so that the cozy fits the jar and slides on like a sock.

Speaking of socks. My kids use socks with the foot cut off.... on there water bottles at school. No water rings on there desk or work.

 There you have it way to make a cozy.

Now, for the Straw lid.

I am going to punch a hole on my lid....
and put a grommet in it. 
I am using my old snap press( from my diaper sewing days) and some grommets I found here.
If you go to your local home improvement store..... They can hook you up with a whole kit.

I have this cool little scrapbook tool kit. It has a strong hole punch and little hammer to whack it with. Perfect for metal lids.....

Make sure you have a wooden surface you dont care about. It is going to get damaged.

It is pretty simple. Whack a hole the size of the grommet in the lid.  Remove any sharp edges from the hole. And tamp down edges on the bottom of the lid, you might leave some by making tho hole.

Line up the hole and the grommet. 
Then press. Perfect straw hole.

What the back looks like.......

What the front looks like..........

Straw fits!!!

 Put it all together now.......

I found these little red lids years ago. I still had a sealed box in my pantry :)..... there so cute.

Can you see the damage to my board.... I guess I hit it hard

By the time I was done, camera was charged......
So, we went for a photo shoot.

4 little cozies..........

Bonus Cozy.....

Pinwheel cozy.........

Shirt sleeve cozy (I used a little stained shirt's sleeve).

Owl Block Cozy........

Paisley Cozy............

Ruffles cozy...........

 And the original cozy........

I hope you liked the mason jar cozy and straw lid post! 
I think they are pretty fun. I never go a day with out one...........

So y'all want one ?
How 'bout this?

Since jars are tricky to send......
I'll send you the ruffles cozy, 12 paper straws. 2 lids with straw holes and 2 packets of my favorite Mason Jar drink. Starbucks Refreshers.....VIA in very berry.
Fun little prize in the mail......right?

O.K. Here is the deal........

Leave me a comment telling me what you would drink in your jar.
If you want an extra try....Like us on Facebook
Third shot?.... Follow me on pinterest or instagram.

I'll choose a winner with on Monday.

Have a Fantastic Friday!!!!!!