
Thursday, September 13, 2012

I am Getting Cozy with Mason.....

Mason "jar" that is.............
I have had so many beautiful people ask me how I made my mason jar w/ a straw lid. And y'all loved the cozy :)
So, I thought I would share how I do it.
(Little giveaway at the bottom of this post)

First for the cozy.............
You will need some 3 inch quilt blocks, 
or just a 3 inch square. 
Also some knit fabric scraps or old tee shirts.

I made some 3 inch blocks.........

I added a 1 3/4" x 3" inch pieces of knit to the top 
and bottom of the block.....

The I attached a 6 x 7 inch piece of knit one side of the block.
(this is when my camera died ...oooops)

Once that is done. Fold in half , with the right sides of the longest edges together. Sew . Then turn inside out. Fit it around your jar. Sew a seam right sides together, so that the cozy fits the jar and slides on like a sock.

Speaking of socks. My kids use socks with the foot cut off.... on there water bottles at school. No water rings on there desk or work.

 There you have it way to make a cozy.

Now, for the Straw lid.

I am going to punch a hole on my lid....
and put a grommet in it. 
I am using my old snap press( from my diaper sewing days) and some grommets I found here.
If you go to your local home improvement store..... They can hook you up with a whole kit.

I have this cool little scrapbook tool kit. It has a strong hole punch and little hammer to whack it with. Perfect for metal lids.....

Make sure you have a wooden surface you dont care about. It is going to get damaged.

It is pretty simple. Whack a hole the size of the grommet in the lid.  Remove any sharp edges from the hole. And tamp down edges on the bottom of the lid, you might leave some by making tho hole.

Line up the hole and the grommet. 
Then press. Perfect straw hole.

What the back looks like.......

What the front looks like..........

Straw fits!!!

 Put it all together now.......

I found these little red lids years ago. I still had a sealed box in my pantry :)..... there so cute.

Can you see the damage to my board.... I guess I hit it hard

By the time I was done, camera was charged......
So, we went for a photo shoot.

4 little cozies..........

Bonus Cozy.....

Pinwheel cozy.........

Shirt sleeve cozy (I used a little stained shirt's sleeve).

Owl Block Cozy........

Paisley Cozy............

Ruffles cozy...........

 And the original cozy........

I hope you liked the mason jar cozy and straw lid post! 
I think they are pretty fun. I never go a day with out one...........

So y'all want one ?
How 'bout this?

Since jars are tricky to send......
I'll send you the ruffles cozy, 12 paper straws. 2 lids with straw holes and 2 packets of my favorite Mason Jar drink. Starbucks Refreshers.....VIA in very berry.
Fun little prize in the mail......right?

O.K. Here is the deal........

Leave me a comment telling me what you would drink in your jar.
If you want an extra try....Like us on Facebook
Third shot?.... Follow me on pinterest or instagram.

I'll choose a winner with on Monday.

Have a Fantastic Friday!!!!!!


  1. Very cute. Wouldn't it just have to have some sweet tea....... :)

  2. Got me lots of jars to put these on. Sounds great with iced tea!!!

  3. Wow, you have been busy. Ice cold peach tea would be my drink of choice. thanks for sharing.

  4. FAN-tastic!! I am setting here with my quart jar of Diet Pepsi.Just thinking I need to get another straw because mine has a hole in it.Thank you for showing me how to fix the lid. Now if I win I wont have to fix it,LOL.

  5. How fun all of this is!! Wow -- the means for putting a straw in the lid takes a lot of equipment! I need to get one of those snap press things...since both girls are doing cloth diapers with their babies and want me to stitch some! I'd drink some form or fashion of tea in my jar ... or Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper! :) I'm headed over to like you on FB and follow you on Instagram! (we didn't need to leave extra comments, did we?) Happy Friday! :)

  6. That is sooooooooooooooooooooooo clever....I love cherry Limades....

  7. Love the grommets, such a good idea. and the cozies are awesome. I confess I would be sneaking some sangria into my jar! Yummmmm!

  8. sweet thanks for the chance! I like tea in my mason jars.

  9. Wow! Love these (loved them when I first saw them, but the shirt sleeve and the ruffle ones are adorable!) Love the red lids, oh my!
    I would LOVE to win! I would drink half and half.... half lemonade half ice tea. (my new favorite drink for the afternoons...gotta have hot coffee in the morning)

    Thanks for the wonderful tut and the opportunity to win!

  10. I would drink sweet tea or diet coke out of mine!

  11. I like you on fb too!

  12. I follow you on pinterest.

  13. With a fun cozy, this may become my new favorite coffee mug. I generally have a coffee in my hand, so I'm hoping it would be great!

  14. too cute! I recently got a bunch of mason jars out of my grandma's garage. I would drink some pink lemonade in mine :)

  15. I am now following you on pinterest :)

  16. I have "liked" you on facebook :)

  17. I would have a large jar of iced coffee.

  18. Would drink my Kombucha tea in this darling jar!! Great idea!

  19. Juice for my grand-toddler, or water. They have jars with handles, so how perfect. Love the whole idea of cozies and straws. Thanks.

  20. What a great give away! I would drink my 8 daily glasses of ice water. I might even drink iced coffee in the afternoon. Yum. I even use a straw to drink my hot coffee. I think I could put this to good use. :)
    Pinning for future inspiration. I have to make me some of these.
    Saw your post on Delightful Order.

  21. Oh these are soooo cool! You are so talented!

    I would drink iced tea in my jar!

    Thanks for chance to win your drawing! :)

  22. ADORABLE! I'd totally drink ice cold Arnold Palmers in the sun out of a mason jar. Even if I don't win, can't wait to try this!

  23. i also follow you on instagram now! (@angiepantsgalore)

  24. ok now i follow you on facebook! here's hoping! thanks for the opportunity! xx

  25. Being an east Texas girl, I'd drink iced tea in it!

  26. These are awesome!! Thanks for the tutorial!!

  27. What a great idea!! I love it ~ going to try it this week! Heading to FB to like you there too!

  28. Love these. I would drink ice tea or iced coffee.

  29. What a neat idea! Thanks for a chance to win! I'd drink strawberry lemonade in my jar. :)

  30. I love your Mason jar cozy, if I were to win, I would drink iced tea. 'thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

  31. I love mason jars! I refer to them as the "good crystal" I would love to win your giveaway. How cool is that?!?!?! And those red gingham die for.

    I would drink some iced tea, maybe with a little lemon in it. I haven't tried the Via, but it sounds yummy.

  32. Love your cozy!! How did you do the one that is part of a sleeve???? Now off to follow you on facebook and pinterest!

  33. I agree with you. I am in LOVE with the Berry Breezer at Starbucks but if I couldn't have that in my mason jar my 2nd choice would have to be Iced coffee with sugar free torani caramel or coconut syrup (depending on my mood, depends on my flavor of choice)with a little milk. Good thing torani makes lots of flavors to fit the mood... LOL

  34. Oh my goodness! These jars are awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing how you made these :) Very cool and even cooler still to drink some sweet tea from one of these jars ;) The cozies are adorable. I dropped over from why-knot-kwilt to let you know you are a no-reply-blogger so I couldn't thank you for your kind comments you left on my blog ... for which I do! I am leaving a new follower of your fantastic blog! Thank you :)

  35. Oh, I would be drinking either iced coffee or iced tea. Yum! Thanks for the tutorial, and here's hoping I win! Mason jars are my favorite, not in small part due to the fact that Mason is my mom's maiden name and the name of my nephew...

  36. I'm a total starbucks junkie - bf even brought me some iced coffee this morning when i had to be into work early! Love the idea, it would be perfect for any drink... even if you had to travel, pop on a non-straw accepting lid and you have an iced coffee in the fridge at work, or in the cooler for at a game...

  37. I would definitely drink a homemade pumpkin spice frappucinno in it as well as some diet green tea!

  38. Definitely a pumpkin spice iced coffee and maybe some diet green tea! Thanks for the straw lid and cozy tutes. I will definitely be making these soon.

  39. Sweet Tea, as the South intended! I'd love this, I had mason jars at my wedding as vases AND as drinking glasses/favors!
