
Monday, September 3, 2012

And the winner is..........

First I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU!!!!! from the bottom of my heart. We received 206 comments and 80 new facebook friends. Let alone new followers to boot. What a fantastic party!!!

Because I left the contest open to both facebook likes and comments. We are choosing a winner this way. First we used to choose a number from comments.....

Then we counted through just comments and got a name......

The we used again using the number of    facebook likers.........

Which got us another name.

Then we threw both names in a hat, and had my cute lil'    Bridgitt draw one name................

 Duh! Duh! Da! Dun!!!   And the winner is.......

                               Angie Neil !!!!! 
                          Congratulations !!!!!!

I will also post this on facebook. Please contact me within 72 hours. Or, we have to give the prize to the runner up.....a.k.a the other name in the hat.

My Weekend sewing........

Binding in bark....
Quilt back....
Finished top........

I really hoped to add some kind of boarder. I just didn't have enough of any one, or two, fabrics ....meh.

It has a little modern feel though so it is what it is.

I think the back turned out well. Sadly....I like it best...hehehehehe

Now it is quilting time. I kinda want to straight line quilt it. But... I am a big fat chicken. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic 4 day week.

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