
Friday, October 5, 2012

Easy Enchiladas........

Hello Folks!! 
I hope you all had a wonderful week. 
We have been busy here. Parent teacher conferences, 
Brooke's volleyball and a whole host of other 
time sucking events.  Enjoyable but, time intense.

On Wednesday night Brooke had a home game. 
It was my night to feed the team. These girls can eat!!
When I asked Brooke what she wanted me to bring.....She chose my chicken enchiladas. 
Since I deliver food for the team at 5:30 and the family is hungry at the same time. 
I knew a huge batch or two was called for.  
I usually make these when I need a super quick dinner. 
They are fast to make but, taste like you slaved for days. Most of the time when I make these ...
I just grab rotisserie chickens from the grocer's deli. 
I have to use 2 for my big family. 
And for the team and the family it was looking like I would need double plus....... 

When I got to the Grocers and saw the price 
and size of the chickens... I was shocked. 
Is it just me or are the rotisserie chickens getting smaller and the price is getting higher ???? 
For a wimpy 2 lb. chicken from the deli, the price was $5.99. They looked more like cornish hens for goodness sakes!!!!!
 I literally could fit one in the palm of my hand. 
Luckily ...... Whole chickens were on sale for 99 cents a pound. So, roasting my own chickens it was. 
 I bought a 5lb and a 6lb whole chicken for $11 dollars. the same amount of meat from the deli would have been 3 times as much. Which is no big deal if you only need one chicken. Because your cooking for a regular size family... lol
But the Kids are many...and the appetites are LARGE!!

If you have never roasted your own chicken.... I'll give you some tips. Then I will share the recipe for the enchiladas. If you need a quick dinner this weekend. It is sure to please. And if you give roasting you own chickens a try.... roast double. It only takes a few minutes more. and then you can stick the meat in the freezer for a very fast chicken dinner later in the week. 

So here goes.........

There are a lot of fancy ways to roast a chicken. 
This is not one of them. This is a method purely to achieve great tasting cooked meat. They are not tied up and pretty.... but they taste good and it is fast!!!

Set your oven to 400 degrees.
Get your chicken out of the bag, clean out the cavity and disgard contents. Give the chicken a quick rinse then pat dry. Cover a shallow baking pan (or cookie sheet) with foil.  Toss your chicken on the pan. Using either butter or olive oil about 2 tablespoons. Rub down the chicken. Then sprinkle the chicken liberally with salt. I use grey sea salt.
 It is wonderful !!!
 This is what my two birds looked like.

You can see the nice crust of sea salt. The skin will be crispy and the chicken flavorful.
Toss in oven and roast for about an hour. 
The birds should look very golden brown.

You can tell if the chicken is done by sticking a fork in the thigh. If the juices run out clear, done. (You can also insert a meat thermometer it should read 180 degrees). 

It is ready to pull out of the oven. 


When the chickens are out. Crack the top the chickens and slightly open the meat from the bone with a fork. This will let the steam escape and start the cooling process.

When the chicken has cooled just enough for you to
 handle it, without you screaming your head off ....
Use a fork and your fingers. ( It really is the only way)
Pull of all the meat. Then shred. These two birds gave me enough meat for 30 good sized enchiladas!!!!!

Now for the Enchiladas.......

Here is what I used.......... I love Macayo's Green Enchiladas sauce. But any kind will do.

If your making this for a family of 4 to 6. 
You will need.......

A whole chicken 3 to 4 lbs. (Deli or home roasted)
1 - 32 oz. can of green enchilada sauce
1 small can of diced green chilis
1 package of flour tortillas
1 16 oz. sour cream  (more if you want for topping)
4 cups shredded Colby / Jack cheese. (More if you want them really cheesy)

For my friend Jill........ 

You can use low fat cheese, sour cream and tortillas to make this a lil' healthier.
Still tastes great!!

( I sorta spaced taking pics here.......ooops)

For the filling.
Mix the chicken, sour cream, 3 cups of the cheese and the diced green chilis together in a bowl.
Taste. Add a little salt if needed.
In your baking dish, pour about a quarter of the can of sauce in the bottom of the dish.
To assemble.
Lay out a flour tortilla in the middle add a dollop of the filing. Roll the tortillas around the filling.
Like in this Link

Lay each enchilada side by side in your pan.
When finished pour remaining sauce and sprinkle with remaining cheese.

Here is all 30....

Bake at 375 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes until bubbly and golden brown.

Serve with sour cream on top if you like.

A green salad with chips and salsa makes 
this dish a whole meal.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend.

I will ...I am sewing!!!!!!!!


  1. Looks really yummy and it looks like it would feed a lot!! That dollop of sour cream is making my mouth water :).

  2. I use large can of chicken from Sam's Club. I also use the recipe from the Old El Paso Green Enchilada sauce can-delicious. most times I have the enchiladas made up and flash freeze, then in freezer bag so i can just pull out what I need.

  3. Holy WOW! These look marvelous!! I love chicken enchiladas ... such a fall comfort food! :)
