
About Me

Hello There, Thanks for stopping by our little blog.
My name is Keithena.
I am a proud Mother of eight kids. Our youngest is 6. And our oldest is (cough...cough.. choke.. choke) 28. We have children in every school from elementary to college. It is a busy crazy life. Just the way I like it.
It can be a little overwhelming...........that's when I sew. And sew. And sew.

In this crazy bunch I have 2 teenage daughters Bronte and Brooke they are super artsy craftsy.  They sew, quilt, cook, bake and photoshop. They designed the new look of the blog.
So, occasionally they will be seen here too.
If you ever have a question?? Please ask!! I love to answer!! You can contact me through our facebook page.
Or just shoot me an email.


  1. You are a genuis! I love the oatmeal and the smoothies in a jar. Like you, I have a hectic schedule with children and work. I used to can fruits a long time ago but haven't had the time in recent years. These ideas will put my jars back to good use instead of collecting dust in the basement. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much!!! I too use to can......before Arizona. Now, i just dream. Thanks for coming by the Moon!!

  3. What a great website! I am making doll clothes for a friend's daughter (since my daughter is now a college student, how did that happen?!?), and I found you through Pinterest. Thanks for sharing so many fun ideas!

  4. I love the baby clothes - what kind of doll is in the nakey baby pictures? She has the cutest face and I would love to get one for my dauther.
