
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Because I Don't Like to Iron...

I made this ironing board cover. It makes me smile everytime I lug it out.
Hope it doesn't offend. But it's what I think everytime I iron.

It's also why I use this little seam roller. If you don't have one ....get one.
It makes pressing your seams open so easy( no steam burned fingers.) . I don't have to get up and head over to the ironing board so often.
I keep this little wonder tool right next to the machine. Sew ,roll, repeat. Then I get up and iron when my block is done.

You can find one in your local DIY store. It was made to roll wallpaper seams flat.
I bought mine on ebay for $5.
I bet you could find one in your Aunt's, who really loves flowered wallpaper,garage or tool box.
It will go to much better use..don't ya think.

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  1. Great job on the ironing board cover! I'm not a big fan of ironing, too :)

  2. Your ironing board cover is really cool!

  3. Love that board! I'm right there with you.
