
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lamplight Quilt Top Done... Yippee!!

Wow! It is finally pieced. This was a lot of sewing. I can't believe it matched up as well as it did.
There was alot of drama with this little baby. But I am pretty happy with the results.
My teens love this top. I am surprised by that since it looks a little old lady.
My son called dibbs. Ha. Well...... That was before the floral border.

I used 1 Moda Tranquility layer cake and 2 matching 10 in. x 10 in scraps for the center . I also used 1 5/8 yards of
coordinating fabric for the border. The wierd inserts on the sides came from a cutting mishap. Grrrrr.
It measures 70 x 75. Great size for cuddling.

Now to sandwich and quilt. Any suggestions??? I want to free motion . I only have the orange and red fabric left for the binding.
I don't love my choices. But.... whatever.
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1 comment:

  1. I love this quilt too..and I'm not an old lady! LOL Just teasing you a bit...I AM old to some people. ;)
    It's wonderful and I'm not surprised the "kids" want it. :)
