
Monday, November 23, 2009

Cutting Tutorial for Lamplight Quilt

First try at a Tutorial. I hope this makes sense.

You will need 1 Moda layer cake. ( or 4 charm packs ) you will need 40 prints.
Plus 2 10x10 inch coordinating squares of fabric. ( this will give 42 total prints)
I used 1 5/8 yards for the border.

First lay out a 10x10 cut of fabric, make a horizontal cut to make
it measure 5x10,Then in half again so you end up with 2 5x5 cuts on the right and 2 5x5 cuts on the left.

From there you are going to make these cuts.

By measuring 2 inches over on the top of the left stack , mark, and 3 inches over on the bottom left ,mark,
With your ruler line up on the marks and cut.
Doing the opposite for the for the left stack.

After you have cut all 42 prints you will have a nice pile.

     Sort these out , you will have 2 lamplight shapes out of every print.

Now comes the tricky part......Laying them all out.
I purchased a cheap set of king flannel sheets ( Target 19.99 or less)
Stapled it to a wall.( I am using the rest of the set to back quilts).
But anywhere you can get it all laid out will be best.
Lay them out shape by shape in rows.

Until you have your desired effect.

As I hope you can see you end up with 1/2 of a print (shape) on top and the other 1/2 on the bottom of
every other row. And vertical 1/2 and 1/2 on the sides. That makes it square.

You will be sewing in blocks.


1 block at a time.

I pressed seams open to make a nice flat block.

I sewed all the blocks in a row. Then lined up and sewed each row together.
I threw a border on to make for a nice 70x75 inch lap quilt.

Ta Da!! 


  1. what a fun tutorial! you are my lucky giveaway winner. please email me your address and i will get the FQ's to you soon. :)

  2. What an excellent tutorial! Found it through your photo in the Moda quilts flickr pool. Bookmarking this one, for sure!

    Liz @ teeny tiny quilts
