
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Little Show Off !!

 My 12 year old daughter an I decided a while back to quilt along in the Modify Tradition Quilt Along together. She has been sewing since she could reach the peddle and lately had caught the quilting bug.
Since this quilting thing is new to me also, I thought a quilt-along would be perfect teaching tool. I thought she could use up some of the scraps I have around as a bit of a bonus.............Well..... SuperGirl went another direction. We pieced the first block together, a pinwheel , then she was off. She decided she loved that pinwheel so much she would make 3. Then she found my Kona Cotton stash. There was no stopping her.
She had rainbow on her mind (So much for using up scraps). Pretty soon I looked up and she had sewn eleventy-seven ( as said by the 4 year old sister).
I think it is beautiful.  She is finishing the last few seams on this baby as I type. She has really done an amazing job. Little stinker... She is making this quilt for her bed, and has her eyes set on making these pinwheels in matching fabric for her walls.

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  1. Oh my goodness it's darling! What a wonderful job she is doing! Can't wait to see the whole thing once it's done

  2. Absolutely impressive! Tell your daughter she is doing a wonderful job. Can't wait to see a picture of it on her bed!

  3. Wow, it is beautiful! She picked out the colors too. Very impressive. You must be so proud.

  4. Looks great! She has an eye for design!!

  5. beautiful!!!!!! i can wait to see it finish!

  6. This is the first time I've visited your blog and had to comment on your daughter's endeavor. Outstanding! You have the coolest 12 year old daughter, ever! And I love your the way your wee 4 year old daughter counts.

  7. I love it! My 11 year old daughter just finished her first top - it's so much fun to see her love quilting as much as I do. I love your blog and will check back often. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love it! My 11 year old daughter just finished her first top - it's so much fun to see her love quilting as much as I do. I love your blog and will check back often. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love it! I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing anything this cool at 12.

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Maybe it's not too soon to start teaching my almost 4-year-old granddaughter?

  11. Never to early!!! I bought my 4 yr. old a little sewing machine and removed the needle. When she got all the safety rules down...and seemed to be sewing straight. I put in the needle and gave her paper to sew on.Soon,she will move to fabric.
    My 8 year old is piecing a pillow cover right now.

  12. Wow! That is an awesome quilt. I can't wait to see what she does next. She has a good eye for color. I want to make one like that.

  13. Wow! That is an awesome quilt. I can't wait to see what she does next. She has a good eye for color. I want to make one like that.
