
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mmmmmm Breadsticks..

Last night was spaghetti night. We have a few spaghetti-aholics in the house.Myself included. A few years ago  a good friend of mine who is Italian taught me how to make real sauce( instead of the embellished jar with ground whatever kind ). Since then even the Hubby also is a fan of spaghetti night.  I was feeling spunky when I started the sauce so I decided to make soft breadsticks to go with. They are my son's favorite!!!
The finished sticks came out of the oven about the time the kiddos came in from outside.
Cold hands + warm bread stick = happy smiles and hugs. I used quick rise yeast so they are fast to make .

Wanna make some?? 
I have to make a giant batch for my Supercrew 
so you might want to half or quarter the recipe. or make and freeze.
This made 48 large sticks.

Breadstick Recipe
6 cups flour
2 pkgs. quick rise yeast
1T. salt ( I use sea salt so If you use table salt maybe 3 tsp.)
4 T. honey
3 T. Butter
2 cups warm water.

Measure 1/2 the flour into Bowl with the packages of yeast, add salt, stir well.
Melt Butter in glass measuring cup. Add honey and water. Mix. Make sure the mixture is warm. Not Hot.
You don't want to kill your yeast. But you want your dough to be slightly warm.
Pour water mixture into flour mixture and stir and stir and stir.
 You can use a mixer if you like. I am into less mess, is more.

Stir the rest of flour in 1/2 cup at a time until you have soft dough.
Dump on floured counter or board and knead until smooth and elastic .

Wash your bowl in hot water ,dry then oil with butter or olive oil. The hot water will warm your bowl and make a nice place to rise your dough.
 Cover and rise your dough in a warm place until doubled about 1 hour or less.
Then punch down and cut into 48 pieces. Roll pieces into  sticks or twists and place on oiled baking sheet.
(mine were wonky but, i was in a hurry ..sorry)

 Rise for 15 to 30 minutes.Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden.

When they were done I bushed them all with melted garlic butter. Yum.
Eat then lick fingers!!
Don't these just look like they are ready for the sauce??
I hope you give them a try . The kids LOVED them.


  1. Um, yeah, I think we're gonna love them, too!! Of course you know you're also gonna need to share the sauce recipe, right??

  2. Your family should read the childrens book, "Wednesday is Spaghetti Day" by Maryann Cocca-Leffler. It is a wonderful story of how the cats get together to make spaghetti when the family is away for the day- a great book! Breadsticks look good!

  3. I am totally going to share the recipe. I just have to figure out how to translate , A handful of this and a palmful of that. HAHA.
    Thanks for the book recommendation.
    Cats and spaghetti...sounds like us

  4. Ohhh yummy... will be trying these!


  5. Those look amazing! I almost think that I wouldn't need to cut the recipe down because my two kids would probably devour the lot in no time flat (lol).

  6. Love your blog! Please accept the Sunshine Blog Award! Details here:

  7. Hi! I popped over from a link at Totally Tutorials - your breadsticks look DELICIOUS - I can't wait to try them for my crew! Hungry electricians could plow through a batch of these in very short order, lol!

  8. Those looks so good!!!! Thanks!
