
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Without Further Ado........

The Giveaway

Here it is finally .... After all the sad going on this week . I am so happy to celebrate something. My readers!!!
Thanks to all you guys that read and comment. To say a big THANK YOU!!
Here is the humble giveaway.

I hope you like Heather Bailey.
There are 9 pieces of Heather's Pop Garden.
1 piece of Amy Butler Full Moon Polka dot.
And one awesome piece of very vintage red dot fabric from my vintage stash.
Most measure about a fat quarter in size. 2 are more like fat 1/6 th.
and a couple larger. All and all more than 2  yards of fun fabric.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on what your sewing for spring.
If you would like another entry ...follow my blog .If your already a follower tell me in your comment.
You can also post this on your blog, with a link back for another entry.
Just make sure I know about so you get your entry.
Total of 3 chances.
I have to keep this to U.S. only because I know nothing about shipping anywhere else..sorry.
I will keep this contest open until Wednesday night.
And Announce on Thursday.
Good Luck!!
I can't wait to read what your sewing for spring.
Update...comments are closed ...the winner is Courtney!!


  1. I just got some patterns for Lazy Girl purses. I can't wait to finally sew something for myself, instead of always making something for everyone else.

    I really enjoy following your blog and seeing all the cool things that you do with your family.

  2. This spring/summer I am finally going to make myself a quilt. I have the fabric all picked out and I am hoping to have it finished in time for our first picnic!!

  3. oh, i get to be the first comment!

    for spring i'm working on getting a couple ufos finished.

    but my favorite is my block swap i'm hosting

    i've already found the perfect backing, and i have figured out my setting...i'm also finishing up my blog's BOM

    thanks for asking andh aving the giveaway!
    (p.s. i'm a follower)

  4. I am hoping to get a bag sewn with my mom, for a mother daughter date, and I am need to get several baby quilts done because there are a TON of babies due within the next few months!!

  5. I also became a follower of your blog!

  6. I think this is my favorite line ever. At least in the top 5. Would love to win!
    Also signing up to follow!

  7. HUMBLE??? giveaway?? This is a great giveaway. I would love to make something bright and springy with that wonderful fabric. Thanks for the opportunity.

    Sorry about the kitty--we have lost some in this house, too and it is never easy.

  8. So bright and pretty! I love your fabric choices.

  9. I already follow you. I love your blog!

  10. I have been working on a PIF project, and my March Schnibbles. I love Spring, so I may get really motivated and start working on a red and white quilt that I have been collecting fabrics for. Thanks so much for such a sweet giveaway :-)

  11. I'm working on sewing some patterns fro!m a Japanese sewing book and creating pillow covers for my living room. It's a lovely prize you are offering. Good Luck to one and all

  12. I have so many irons in the fire so to speak. I am participating in p.s i quilt's pinwheel quiltalong, making a Schnibbles, a leader-ender....... etc... etc! SO many quilts, so little time!

    Happy Quilting!

  13. I found you through; yay! I'm (now) a follower, and I've posted a link back here on my blog.

    I'm finishing up a grandbaby quilt and then there are some cute projects -- a tote and place mats -- in the Quilter's World magazine that I want to put my hand to! :)

  14. I belong to a Counted Cross Stitch group and the squares the ladies stitch are sent to me to be made into quilts for a nursing home. I was requested to make a twin size quilt for a lady with cancer, she wanted to have something for when she was getting her Chemo. I also have a lap quilt for the nursing home started in the same colors which are spring yellows, pinks, greens and blues. I hope all who recieve them will like them. After that my grandson wants a quilt for his bed/ stop by to win GC for Reading Glasses shopper site,

  15. I am going to make some handbags and more than likely makes lots of quilts.

  16. I'm sewing some baby pants for my little one- just some basic spring cotton capris- made with pretty amy butler fabric. I'm new to sewing- and I love how easy these are to make :)
    great giveaway too- these quarters look gorgeous.

  17. I'm a new blog follower too (just started quilting, and your blog is so inspiring).
    PS. sorry about your wee chance

  18. I LOVE thos fabrics. I just finished embroidering a bib and burp cloth, but plan to also make dresses for my girls for Easter and may even make shirts out of the same sundress patterns.

  19. I also became a follower and posted about the giveaway on my blog with a link back to yours. =)

  20. Now that I am back down under I am planning some Autumn sewing right now. I am doing the jelly roll quilt along at Moose on the Porch in Fabulous Fall. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  21. Love those fabrics! My spring project is a birthday present for my dad a lap quilt make from a jelly roll and a charm pack in a "fat" log cabin pattern.

    I'm also now a follower!

  22. What great fabric! I want to make some table toppers soon. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!

  23. I'm working on scrappy quilts and toothbrush rugs these days and have packed my stash away until after we move. I do plan on making patchwork slip covers for my couch. thanks for a great giveaway.

  24. I too became a follower, for the giveaway, but your blog is great without the giveaway!

  25. I have so many projects in my head, but one that I want to get finished is a memory quilt for a friend whose father recently passed away. She gave me his old golf pants in a blue madras and asked if I could make a quilt out of them.

  26. I posted about your giveaway here -

  27. I am sewing a "June Bag" in Patty Young's mezzanine fabric for spring.

  28. Love those fabrics! I will continue to sew on my Joseph's Coat quilt (I'll be working on it for months to come) and I'll be finishing some other projects. Most important is the hand quilting I plan to try for the first time. Wish me luck!

  29. I am already of follower, love your blog.

  30. I love your blog - and am now a follower.

    I have also posted about your giveaway on my blog.

    This spring I have a few things going on. First - I'm using up my scraps on a scrappy block quilt as well as a Japanese block quilt.

    I'm doing potholders for the Potholder Pass 2.

    I am working on a patchwork king size quilt for my bed.

    Finally, I have a star quilt top done that needs to be quilted and a log cabin quilt I'd like to finish.

    I'm afraid I get bored so I move from project to project!

  31. Wow! What cheerful spring colors! You have inspired me to look for some brighter hues to work with. I have just moved into a temporary trailer while we build our new cabin in the pines. The trailer is small and everything is beige, so I will be sewing a few things to color my world.

  32. I've got so much on my plate! A pink/brown dresden for a grandbaby due in April; purses for DD's 21st birthday this week! Yikes. I want to finish a UFO of a spring wallhanging round robin that was a past guild project; it has beautiful black eyed susans on it. Patching a pair of grandson's jeans with a special patch...made a bat man one for his brother; so he wants iron man....etc etc!

  33. i found a cute 1 hour dress tutorial for my little girl; can't wait to get started! especially since spring starts so early here :)

  34. ♥♥Thanks for the giveaway--sometimes it takes a kitten, a teenager, and love to remind us what's truly important in this life.♥♥

    I plan to finish a lap quilt for myself--spring colors and wonky stars--I'm all in!

  35. oops! i forgot! I'm a follower! A nice one, too. Not one who is so close that you can't see the headlights in your rear-view mirror. Ya know what I mean???

  36. Spring projects - try to finish hand-quilting the queen comforter for my bed. Finish the baby quilt I'm working on. Make another baby quilt for another friend who's expecting in mid June.

  37. I follow you on google reader.

  38. I want to finish a hollyhock wall hanging I appliqued in the fall. I started quilting it and did not like the quilting so I am taking it all out.
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  39. quilts, quilts and more quilts...and maybe a bag or 2!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I'm making some cheery teenager-style quilts for Project Linus. Thanks for the chance!

  41. i think i am going to work on finishing a dress i made last year for my niece but didn't set the zipper and the straps yet.

  42. Those fabrics are sooo cute and love the vintage!!! I will be sewing some cool halter type dresses for my youngest daughter and for my youngest boy I will be doing some applique shirt and sewing him some John-Johns for church!! Also making some really cute gowns for newborns!!

  43. I also became a follower of your blog!!:)

  44. I have sewn a jacket, a hand bag, and a tote, so far! The bright fabrics are my substitute for the sun! Thanks for the chance!

  45. I am a follower! Good luck to Chance (and your daughter), by the way!

  46. I have a twin-sized quilt that I need to finish for my toddler. I also have baby blankets for friends and some patterns for kids hats that I want to try out. I've enjoyed reading your blog these last few months.

  47. What a marvelous give away. My son wants me to make him a dragon quilt, so that is next on my agenda. His girlfriend is really into Harry Potter, so I will be looking to make her something that has to do with Harry Potter. They are both college students!!!!
    I am a follower of your blog!!

  48. Hi all,
    Looovely fabrics thanks for a great giveaway.
    This spring I'm workink on a little quilt for my sofa, and I will make a handbag too.
    Best wishes,


  49. I've been reading your blog for awhile now, and am also enjoying Faith S.O.S. You always seem to post something there that I need to read on that particular day.

    I just finished a quilt in fall colors and am going to return to working on a quilt using the All About Color line that was out two years ago. It's become a UFO and I'd like to get it finished.

  50. Oh, oh, OH!!! Those are some of my all-time, most-favorite fabrics!! Thanks for the chance to win :)

    For spring, I'm sewing dresses for my 6 yr. old. It's all she wants to wear, and I think it's adorable! I'll also be sewing skirts for my 12 yr. old who has finally decided that she would like to wear them :) I saved all of her clothes for little sister, but their wardrobe preferences have been sooo opposite. Figures :0 Hahahahaha!!!

  51. oh, so pretty! hmm, sprng projects lined up -finish a spiderweb throw quilt, and get started on a scrappy border quilt for our bed.. (that might be a summer long project!) I also think I need to make up some more fabric baskets for around the house.. I have been in the mood to declutter!

  52. I blogged about it too, it will post on tuesday morning.

  53. Love those Heather Bailey prints!

    I'm finally trying to make some quilts for my family--instead of giving them all away!

  54. I am working on my UFO or WIP - some have been in progress far too long! I am doing a little stash busting, but I don't seem to make a dent; where did all this fabric come from? So far I have completed two WIP, two stash buster quilts and just bought the border fabric to finish two more UFOs! I think a fabric reward is in order!! Something just for fun! Solution=enter giveaways!LOL have a great giveaway!

  55. Hi! These fabrics are gorgeous!
    What a SWEET GIVEAWAY! Love reading your blog too!
    For this Spring I am quilting an April Cornell print "Poetry" in beautiful pastel yellows and to really finish it off I will use the flying geese block, except I will call them 'flying swallows'for spring,as they will only be about one inch ! Love,Linda

  56. I'm making a few spring quilts. One especially for mothers day. Thanks for a chance to win!

  57. The only sewing that is getting done around here will be "kid" coats... for goat kids that is. :)

    Wishing I had more time to sewing quilty crafty things...

  58. I am gearing up for the mini-wardrobe contest at Hoping to make myself some Spring-ish clothes. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!

  59. Right now I am working on some spring clutches, purses get a little bulky for warm weather. This fabric would look GREAT as some accent color on them. I also want to try and make a spring romper, since they are coming back in fashion. Should be fun!

  60. I'm working on some baby quilts for spring.

  61. I am a follower of your blog now.

  62. What am I sewing for spring? Baby quilts! I have several friends who are all expecting in late-spring/early summer, so I'm making quilts and matching softies for new little ones.

    And I'm following your blog! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  63. I am making a baby quilt in hot pink and bright orange. I have three other quilts waiting in the wings when it is done. Oh, and I am also making myself a dress.

  64. I am a follower of your blog!

  65. i'm sewing a baby quilt w/germania!

  66. I am busy sewing kitchen and dining room accessories like napkins, table runners, coasters, towels, etc... I am also making a slipcover for a wingback chair I just bought from a thrift shop.

  67. I'm going to make a baby-quilt for a friend this spring... and a nice summerbag and.... who knows...

  68. I am finally going to get started on my youngest daughter's quilt. I'm excited because the fabrics are brights. Love them! Thank you for the opportunity to win. :)

  69. these fabrics are amazing...i am working on a few quilts for spring. thank for the giveaway

  70. And I just started following your blog...because of the giveaway, but also because I love the colourful quilts you make! Keep it up ;-)

  71. I'll be working on baby quilts. Seems like there has been lots of new babies around here!

  72. You had me at Heather Bailey...hee hee :) Great blog and so sweet to go a giveaway!

  73. Oh, and I follow your blog thanks to JayBird Quilts reference :)

  74. I'll be trying to get some WIPs off my to do list -- a couple of quilts, a couple of bags, etc.

    This fabric line is one of my all time favorites!

  75. A chance to win fabric - priceless! Enjoyed looking through your blog!
    Peggy -

  76. You've got a great blog here. I am working on quilts for my two daughters. One is in Woodland Bloom and the other is in Spring Magic. I've got spring on the brain. ;)

  77. LOVE those fabrics! Thank you for the great give away!

    This spring I am working on a pinwheel quilt and the Journey of A Quilter block of the Month.


  78. lovely fabrics. Who doesn't love Heather Bailey!?
    I'm sewing aprons for kids coming to my son's cooking birthday party. A quilt for his birthday, and numerous in progress pillows/quilts, etc. Too many things really!!

  79. I'm working on the Pinwheel Sampler quilt from Rachel's quilt-along. I'm using Kate Spain's Verna layer cake, and it's really looking springy! I'd love to win some Heather Bailey. (Just found your blog via jaybird quilts, and I'll enjoy looking around.)

  80. Beautiful fabrics. I'm currently working on a couple of spring time projects: a floral wallhanging, a laptop quilt, and a purse.

    And, now I'm dreaming of all the things I could create with your lovely fabrics.


  81. I have shared insights about your giveaway on my blog where I share info on contests & giveaways:


  82. I am following with great anticipation.


  83. I'm working on a quilt for my friend. She's 19 weeks pregnant and on bedrest. Oh, and she has a 2-year-old. Can you imagine? Oof! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  84. I'm a new follower! (I love your robot quilt. I made a quilt for my son a few months ago using David Walker Robots. Love it.)

  85. Blogged about it!


  86. I am working on a paintbox, a pinwheel and a quilt of my own design. I love this fabric. What a nice giveaway.

  87. What wonderful fabrics...I am trying to come up with a table runner for some fun pastels I have.

  88. I will post, look on my left sidebar...thanks so much for this opportunity and I hope the sadness has left the house....

  89. What beautiful prints for this giveaway.

    I would always be making one quilt or another!

    Please enter me and thanks for being so generous


  90. I am trying to finish a lot of UFO's and also use fabric that I have... not that I wouldn't love to win your beautiful fabric and dream of an another little project... thanks

  91. I am a follower too, thanks for having such a great give away. Sharonj

  92. I am working on a big floral quilt, putting the borders on tonight. Sharonj

  93. Hey I just found your blog! Very cool giveaway too :-) I adore HB Pop Garden to boot! I'm sewing all sorts of goodies for my baby to be born in just 3 weeks! I've still got a few more things I want to get done.. so we'll see! Oh and a quilt or two for good measure. I look forward to seeing more posts from you!

  94. I am working on a quilt for my friends first baby right now! Wow, those are really cool fabrics, thanks for the giveaway.

  95. Beautiful fabric. I'm finishing up some unfinished projects.

  96. LOVE...your spring giveaway. Iam participating in the jellyroll quilt along and pinwheel quilt along. I just bought Simply Sweet and Bubble Gum Basics and I am looking for that "perfect spring/summer" project to show it off!

  97. I posted about your giveaway on my blog. thank you for a sweet giveaway!

  98. I'm sewing a new baby quilt to keep at my house to use when my soon to be first grandbaby arrives. I already made her one that I gave to her mommy at the baby shower!

  99. I am making a pinwheel quilt using a scrappy background and red pinwheels. And charity quilts.

  100. I became a follower of this great blog.

  101. I will be making a New Orleans Saints quilt for my hubby, and an LSU quilt for my son...

  102. Spring projects? assuming that's plural! A tote from shangri la jelly roll leftovers, a new pincushion (a Spring flower, of course) and english paper piecing a hexagon quilt. If I am the proud owner of the lovely giveaway fabrics I will make them into oh fransson's (that is, Elizabeth Hartman's) New Wave Quilt...that would be a great Spring project!

  103. This spring I am sewing pillows for the sectional we just ordered and a couple of comfort quilts to be given to charities.

  104. I am a follower, too.

  105. For spring, I am making a table runner from a charm pack Verna for my DIL. And, some pear pincusions, and some pear pot holders. And, working on my farm quilt, almost done. And, a baby quilt. Just to start!!!

  106. I'm working on three baby blankets right now but when those are done I have plans for some Authentic fabric and a full size bed! I'm going to do something for ME! Or at least try.

  107. And I also follow your blog - albeit anonymously.

  108. Oh, please enter me. I'm now a follower and I've posted a link back to this on my blog.

    thank you. :D

  109. I'm Making coordinating twin quilts using funky cat patterned fabrics for my cat loving DIL and my son. His is blue with blacks and hers is various shades of pink with some black thrown in. It is a lot of fun. I hope they love them.

  110. I am into freshening up my living room. My most recent project is pillows. Next week I will start on kitchen curtains and decor. I just love the fabrics you posted... and cant wait to keep following your post!


  111. This spring, I would like to successfully make a cute dress. I also want to make a fun quilt!

    I recently started following your blog! And I posted a link on my blog back to yours! Thanks for all the super cute ideas! And the yummy recipes!

  112. I am sewing Easter dresses for my girls, 4 and 4 months! :D Hoping to find time to make myself a skirt too!

  113. For Spring, I'm using Verna fabrics to make Heather Mulder Peterson's 'Pretty in Pink' Quilt. Hoping there are enough left over bits and pieces to make a cheerful spring table runner as well.

    Happy quilting everyone, and good luck!


  114. I'm working on a table topper from my "spring-y" scraps! I'm so happy for nice weather!

  115. I'm sewing a picnic quilt for sitting on at my 8 year olds baseball games this summer.

  116. love heather bailey fabrics!!
    i'm about to start amy butler's sophia bag - pattern arrived today!


  117. What a lovely collection of fabrics and such a fun give-away! Count me in :)!

    My spring projects: I have a paper piecing quilt I've been working on for about a year now (on and off) that I'm GOING TO finish, and I'm doing a pinwheel sampler quilt-along in pinks and browns, which I am going to quilt myself (a first for me). Add in there lots of other projects that I just have to do and I have one busy sewing schedule!

  118. Commenting to let you know I'm now following your blog. I'd planned to do that anyway, but an extra give-away entry is an added bonus. Thanks much!

  119. Just blogged this at Thanks again!

  120. Nice fabric, they would make great bags. I got a pattern at a sewing expo in Pullyup WA for BB Bags (these are small purses with lots of pockets). They had made them out of Hawiian fabric and they were so cute, I couldnt resist. I have one cut out and if it turns out I think I am going to make more.

  121. Right now I am working on a spring table topper. Thank you for this chance.

  122. For spring, I'm making little purses for little girls:-)

  123. Oooo; enter me! I am also a follower, so I guess that means two entries!

  124. I'm following because I'm so curious. How in the world do you complete any sewing projects (or brush your hair, run errands, or anything!) with 8 kids? Do tell.

  125. My spring sewing right now consists of making all the table decor for my best friend's May wedding ... and a sadly half finished st patty's day table runner!

    Wonderful giveaway - been drooling over those fabrics for some time, but haven't indulged!

  126. Working on a pattern called Dutch Treats. It's red white & blue :)

    Thank you for the chance~Amy

  127. What lovely fabric. I am planning on sewing some spring bags. I also just started following your blog.

  128. You are so awesome for doing this giveaway! :D

  129. I am a follower! I can't wait to try those breadsticks! They look soo good!!! And I just ate lunch!

  130. I blogged about your AWESOME giveaway!

  131. Sewing lots of quilts this spring with a list as long as my arm.

  132. Found your blog by way of 9patchnurse and enjoyed my first visit. Can't wait to try the breadsticks! I am starting a big spring project in a few weeks at my Guild retreat. It's a queen size Christmas quilt! and hopefully, I'll have it done by Christmas...this year!!!

  133. I'm working on my first ever quilt - a throw featuring Rounneries fabric. Next will be another throw featuring Kate Spain's Verna line. After that, I'm not sure...but I can't wait!

  134. I'm also a new follower of your blog - love your bright, happy projects! Very talented lady.

  135. Beautiful fabric-and thanks for having a giveaway. I want to make a purse for spring. ( and hopefully finish some UFO's)

  136. Definitely a fun giveaway! I am helping three of my teen daughters make bright spring skirts with some coordinating floral fabric and making a tiered skirt for my other daughter from the "scraps" of the other three. I also have two bags cut out for gifts. With all of us girls sewing - the machine keeps humming!

  137. I want to make an English paper pieced quilt. It is something that I can do without a sewing machine. Thank you for a chance to win.

  138. I am sooo happy to have found you! I will be sewing some pillowcases and I hope some little dresses for my great-nieces.

  139. I am now following you on your blog! Hurrah!

  140. I'm planning on making a gathered skirt out of this really cute balloon fabric! ^^

  141. I followed you!

  142. also blogged:

  143. I am sewing some new market totes, pillowcases for charity and 2 wall hangings from Mrs Moen's wonderful designs !

  144. This is such an amazing giveaway! I just learned how to sew aprons, wallets and purses so I plan to sew these in the next few weeks, but I definitely need lots more fun fabrics like these ones to be able to sew them! =) I'm also planning on making pillows for our couch soon as well!

  145. I am a follower if your blog through Google, Twitter and my Google Reader! =)

  146. I am sewing several things. Two baby quilts for grandbabies to be born soon. Two quilts for two weddings. AND I work full time - So I am trying to pick out fabric for one baby quilt ( already have the other) and one wedding quilt. Ain't this just going to be really really fun :D

  147. I'm sewing funky sock monkeys! Also, 11 friends and I started a quilt bee type group in January so I'm sewing blocks for them (1 block/month)'s great!

  148. I'm following your blog!

  149. I might be the last to comment since its already 10:30 my time here in Arizona.
    Spring time projects. I first need to replace the snowman hanging on my carport door, finished my new grand-daughters quilt, finshed my daughters quilt that I didn't get done prior to the marriage.
    Thanks for the giveaway

  150. Ooooh I LOVE heather bailey! Hope I am not too late! Thanks for the chance to win!

  151. I just found your blog . . . I just recently joined the American Sewing Guild - and I am making placemats and napkins for the Atlanta's chapter of the Sprint Fling. I just love, love, love the fabric. I am not very good with pairing colors and fabrics together - these are great together . .

  152. favorite!!! I have a list of things that I MUST make, starting with a new Spring bag. Keeping fingers crossed!!!!

  153. For spring, I will be finishing a signature quilt. (right now it is a UFO) Then I will be trying some new quilt blocks and maybe making a quilt from one of my own designs.

  154. OH MY GOODNESS... i am now the number 187th person to comment on your fabulosu giveaway...not a chance of me winning i know ...but i want to say i love the fabrics and i am planning a huge strip quilt for each of my four grandaughters in funky colours this year... they have out grown the ones i made then when they were toddlers... time to pack those away in grandmas old keep safe for when they have babies of their own when i am long gone... i love traditions...
    and i am now a follower...yeah!!!
