
Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Word about Chance,

I don't want to be a Debbie Downer...I know that is NOT why people look at crafty blogs. But I just wanted to say a few things about Chance and the gift he brought us.....
My Daughter Bronte is 15 years old and as it goes with teenagers I spend more time correcting her than anything. She never puts dishes back where they belong. Her room, most of the time, should have police line tape around it.It is a crime what she does in there. She seems to be surgically connected to her cell phone and let's face it she 's not my little girl anymore and I hate that. I had been feeling rather disconnected from her lately.........
Then came Chance. This little 2 oz. being that needed care.With out even asking she was ALL in. She spent hours on the internet making sure everything she did for him was just right. She only slept 2 hours at a time with his little crate right beside her bed so she could here him cry. She did everything possible to save that little guy. I saw something in her I had forgotten was there. And I saw what kind of woman she is going to be. Her compassion and strength amazed me. The emotions of these few days washed away all the silly complaining I do as a mom. My feelings of a little girl lost to me, became enormous pride for the young woman to come.
When I woke up Friday morning to check on them, Bronte said, "he has been too quite mom.Something is not right." I could tell she had barely slept. For the next few hours there were panicy  phone calls, Daddy making trips to Petco and an all over feeling of dread. He got weaker and weaker. She laid on her bed with a heating pad and the little guy ,praying he would make it. But we all new what was to come. Late in the afternoon she brought him to me . She said she thought it was time .We sat on the sofa together holding him in a little towel.
With our tears flowing he took his last two breathes and said goodbye. She held him while her big brother found a small box. Then she held me and cried. And I cried.
As you can see Little Chance brought more to our lives in a few short days than I could have ever imagined. It goes to show you that if you take a chance on the little things BIG things can come out of it. And give your teens a chance ..they will surprise you. (puns intended)
Thanks to all of you for your Prayers and comments. They mean a lot.

And thanks for indulging me in this very selfish post.
I promise the next post will be a HAPPY one!!!


  1. I am so sorry for the loss of Chance. I am glad your daughter showed you a glimpse of what is to come. In his brief life he did so much good. Big hugs to you all.


  2. Poor little Chance. He was lucky to have you and Bronte with him. What a wonderful purpose he had.

  3. Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  4. What a beautiful post. I applaud you and your daughter. I'm sorry for your lost but out of the ashes rose a beautiful phoenix.
    Our children can a do surprise us.
