
Monday, July 26, 2010

I am feeling like a slacker.....

Has everyone seen what Jess over at Craftiness is Not Optional did with the "Nakey Baby " patterns???

    This is just a sampling of her amazing work! 
She is a total show off inspiration !!
    Please go check it out!!

Well,  back to the machine for me.....My girls have seen those cute skirts and tops Jess made..
I going to have do some dolly sewing this week!! That is if I want to keep my Super Mama status.
The problem  is once you start sewing these mini-clothes your hooked. Just a warning.....
My quilting has taken a bit of a backseat.
Here are some links to patterns and tutorials I have found to sew up more dolly delights.

"Sew" Many Patterns ..."Sew" Little Time.
I am going to try though. If I come up with any new patterns... I will share of course.
Now , go sew some mini-clothes. 


  1. lol! i Was really excited to show those off! ;) thanks again for that pattern! I wanted to ask if you mind if I made some clothes to sell from your pattern? if you do, no prob! thanks!


  2. Thanks for all the great links. I'm going to have several days off in a row this coming week...I hope to have something to show you then.

  3. Thanks for linking to my tutorial! This is a great list. I'm bookmarking it now.

  4. I feel like I found a gold mine! I want to my my granddaughter doll clothes for her birthday and didn't know where to I know!
