
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Frazzled is how I feel this summer!! I can't seem to get anything done. Anyone out there feeling this.Uuuuggg!!
I am starting to look forward to " Back to School" time. And it's still 3 weeks away.

Oh well, enough complaining!!!

I played with strings again,and some triangle scraps too.
This pretty little pile inspired this..

I had so much fun making my first string block....I started trying to find a fun new ways to use strings. I played until I came up with this idea. This block is not perfect I would change a couple things. I like the idea and look of it though.I'd like to make a whole quilt, a quick one that can be sewn  in 30 min. sewing segments( Because my kiddos will have it no other way). I think it If I make a quilt I will use Kona cotton in coal instead of the white.
I dunno ...What do you all think???

On another topic...Nakey Baby has been such a fun,fun,fun project!! I love all the comments,e-mails and questions I received from my SuperSweet readers. It has been so nice getting to know some of you better!!!
I gotta tell you.... I saw this today over at The Amazing Jess's blog.
Are they not the cutest!!!! And Yup, she used my pattern. Thrilling to see someone use something I came up with. I am in the clouds over it!!!! You can read about her sewing the dresses here.

All and all ,even though I am frazzled, it has been a very good day!!
Have a great night Ya'all.


  1. How cute- and yest I feel very stuck in the mud this summer!

  2. THANK you for making those patterns! I spent all of nap time making little dresses-it was soo much fun! Look for more soon! ;)

  3. that is all such cute stuff!

    I already told you I bookmarked your nakey baby stuff so I can come back to it when I have a baby girl!

  4. I really like the look of your pinwheel string block. I'll be interested to see what you come up with!! :)

  5. Love the block!

    I'm not getting much done this summer either. Well, actually, I'm doing a lot of reading and stitching, but that doesn't count in my mind. I blame the heat since it's been over 90 almost every day since June.

  6. Yes!!! I have so much to do, I am just not able to do anything--you know, the paralysis of analysis. AND to further compound things, I just got back from the Hershey Quilt Odyssey show, which of course makes one feel very incompetent, seeing all those beautiful quilts and all.


  7. I love your string pinwheel block! I think something like that would look great against charcoal — the colors will really pop!
